Philosophy used in assembling your system?

When putting together your system were there any underlying desgin philosophies used? Some examples would be:

- Most expensive component you can afford in every category (Cost no object).
- Best Value in every category.
- Cost ratios between components (ex. Speakers = 40%, Cables = 15%, and source components = 45%).
- Components types, i.e. Tubes vs. Solid State, totally digital or all analog.
- Listening preferences.
- The ascetics of a particular component.
- Best deals you happen to find.
- Physical dimensions and sound characteristics of your target listening room.
- Spouse's budget
- None of the above

Any input is greatly appreciated!

Keep it simple and have a system price/performance ratio for the rest of system in mind (ie, don't have one component sound clearly better or worse than other system components).
I spent several yrs trying out different pieces to get an idea of what worked best for me. Once I had established a solid reference, I further tailored the sound w/tweaks & cables.

On top of all this, I threw in the occasional deal and since I had a solid base to work with, it all gelled like I had planned it that way.

I don't bother w/cost ratios but I am concerned w/cost to performance ratios. I had a (very nice) system where the amp was >1/3 the total cost of the system & w/my current system, the preamp is the most expensive piece.

So, to answer your ?, my top priority is a great listening experience, 'cause if you don't like what you hear, you're not going to enjoy turning on your system, regardless of how much time, effort & $$$$ you have invested.
It is like a GOOD WINE.
It takes years, refinement, compromises and
Philosophies are like "empty glass".

Philosophy used in assembling your system?

Ummm.....Philosophy? that list back up again........hmmmmm....I don't see 'Fly by the seat of your pants'.......

John :)
My philosophy was to keep it simple and analog. I wanted to keep the signal path as "clean" as possible; no circuit boards, amp topology is direct coupled, no crossover, no active preamplification, no DAC, etc.

Also, maximize return on dollar.