Well, while I have not been innocent myself, I think that infrequent comments on a thread (out of context) should be kept a impersonal as possible. Having said that, there is truth to what Chazro says; there IS a misunderstanding about modern jazz. I and others have, one way or another, tried to point this out. That is the reason that the most productive and interesting approach to discussion should be more from the standpoint that I tried to outline a few posts earlier: more from an attempt to uplift the standard of awareness of what makes good music and good musicianship, and less from the "if it feels good, it must be good" mentality; and, PLEASE, before the barbs start flying, notice I said LESS of, not devoid of. As Schubert correctly pointed out (and to paraphrase), excellence is reached through a marriage of emotion and intellect.
Chazro, if you're still out there, I would like it if you would stick around and contribute. I do feel that this thread could use more diverse input to make it less of what is, at times, mostly the type of discussion that is no more than a conversation between two people. I mentioned previously that it seemed to me the thread was at a milestone of sorts; I hope I am not mistaken.
Chazro, if you're still out there, I would like it if you would stick around and contribute. I do feel that this thread could use more diverse input to make it less of what is, at times, mostly the type of discussion that is no more than a conversation between two people. I mentioned previously that it seemed to me the thread was at a milestone of sorts; I hope I am not mistaken.