What is the optimal temperature/humidity for audio

I have often wondered how the climate inside the listening room affects the overall performance of audio playback. I have found on many occasions that my system sounds best on a hot and humid summer night. I supppose that the density of the air acts as some sort of acoustic filter in certain conditions. What are your thoughts?
My opinion: Very cold with low humidity. The details and sound stage are amazing. Problem is the family complains.
I read that moisture in the air does make a system sound better and laughed at the time. Now I think there may be something to it as I do seem to hear an improvement while listening on humid or rainy days. Go figure.
High humidity seems to improve the way my system sounds. That has always been a back burner theory of mine, it's good to hear that others have noticed this.

Perhaps in the future we may see some audio humidifiers for beaucoup buckeroos.