What is the optimal temperature/humidity for audio

I have often wondered how the climate inside the listening room affects the overall performance of audio playback. I have found on many occasions that my system sounds best on a hot and humid summer night. I supppose that the density of the air acts as some sort of acoustic filter in certain conditions. What are your thoughts?
My opinion: Very cold with low humidity. The details and sound stage are amazing. Problem is the family complains.
I read that moisture in the air does make a system sound better and laughed at the time. Now I think there may be something to it as I do seem to hear an improvement while listening on humid or rainy days. Go figure.
High humidity seems to improve the way my system sounds. That has always been a back burner theory of mine, it's good to hear that others have noticed this.

Perhaps in the future we may see some audio humidifiers for beaucoup buckeroos.
High humidity makes the system sound dry and brittle. If your source is a CDP then you probably don't mind since that's how they sound anyway. I have to run a humidifier in my room during the winter, or the system is almost unlistenable!

My main source is vinyl, so this is a big issue. The cartridge and the LP need some humidity in the air to keep from building up and releasing static electricity. The difference is not subtle in my room... in the summer I have to run a dehumidifier though... so whatever the answer is, it's somewhere in the middle...


