Who else wants to keep their system secret?

For 15 years I have assembled a system that I think is really good for music and video. My system has been affected by location,income,spouse and reviews from Sound and Vision and Home Theater. Reading almost all forums and not seeing any of my components mentioned has made me feel like I missed something. I am grateful for all I have learned from the forums but I am not sure I want to face them. Who else has a system they are happy with, but would rather not reveal?
I'm with you guys who don't list system because it changes so often.
Heck, as I'm writing this I'm looking out the window for the Fed Ex man :-)
I don't think it's a matter of advertising, pride, embarrassment, nor boasting. The benefit of posting systems is to share experience. I learn as much from what others have done with their systems as I do from reading fora threads. Isn't the point of this site . . . to share knowledge?

There are systems of all variety, everyone has taken a different approach, weather they're going for an all out assault, or optimizing within a very limited budget, or constantly evolving, or (fill in your approach here). Posting your system if beneficial to fellow members, and actually a useful process to go through yourself (though this can be accomplished on paper as easily as if you use the system posting application) as it causes you to think about what you have and how it fits as a "system".

Weather others are impressed with your system or not should not be part of the motivation. From my vantage point the members of A'gon are mature enough (in general) to be way past this. And if someone isn't mature enough, that's his/her problem.
I have never bothered to post my system ... but I do have to admit from time to time I find myself looking at other member’s setups. I tend to start my day on the computer, I will go through the "New Today" list and see if there is anything "too good to pass up" then I occasionally find myself looking at member systems.

Lots of cool setups - lots of millionaires.

From time to time if I have specific issues with equipment I will email someone with the same piece or a similar setup and ask a question. I tend to get annoyed with boastful people and I'm kind of a slob so my system tends to be dusty and the cables are always a mess. Personally ... I'm more into the music and the joy derived from listening to it, not much into the visual presentation.
Some people give and others take - that has always been the way society works. As far as I am concerned, those who share their systems (and risk considerable scorn from self anointed experts) are more of the giving type - confident and open rather than closed and secretive.
People who don't post their systems are the root cause of all that is evil in the audiophile world. There should be a special circle in Hell (right next to the slow left lane drivers) reserved for them. It's like those people who go to a nude beach and keep their clothes on. Right after Congress determines exactly what was being pumped into Roger Clemens butt, I'm going ask them to investigate you guys. Maybe we'll amend the Homeland Security Act and force you to reveal your systems. I can't imagine any real patriot could have a problem with that.