Schubert, fate of enlightener is often ungreatful, but noble. You can call me naive or maybe romantic, but the sprit of this thread seemed to be positive,to me, not only because of thoughts and ideas that were shared, but also because behind of each 'nick' stood a person who actualy tried to share something that holds dear, to a bunch of complete strangers, somewhere in the virtual world, and many, many times that was succesful, to a equal pleasure of ones who had recomended something,and the ones who had learned something new. Sometimes process of education may be slow and hard, to both parties, but here I do not see the betrayal of principles, as the tread has grown and advanced, but maybe just a dispute about terms or maybe even some childlish stubbornness.I certainly do not see a reason to use such a 'hard' words if one wish to describe any participant on this thread. Despite the differences present, I had an ilusion that all participants share my previous thoghts, because they all continued to write, and such words are kind of surprise to me. I can understand Frogman, and all I can say is that I realy appreciate reading his posts, even if I did not liked some music that he has refered to. Hope he will continue to participate.