How LONG have you been an AUDIOGONER'?

I can't believe that threads started in June 2000 and before are still going. Boy do I feel old.....

"Best female vocals on CD" 521 Posts, Started 6/4/04.

"Audiogon "RECORDINGS TO DIE FOR" List" 291 Posts. Started 1/14/01.

"Who Is Your Overall Favorite Guitarists" 354 Posts. Started 1/04/03.

"What's On Your Turntable Tonight" 1234 Posts, Started 3/4/04.

Where are all of the the Audiogoner Old Timers?

How long have YOU been on Audiogon?
Lake513. You're right. This has been a great community. It still is. I also have had a multitude of different buy/sell transactions on this site with never a hitch.

It's great to see some of the old names coming together on one thread.
Feb. 02 for me. I also have enjoyed the threads, both in reading and participating. I also have had many great buy/sell transactions with a lot of great members. It's interesting how some of the earlier members have dropped out. Did they just get bored or move on to another hobby and forum? It's nice to see a few of the old-timers still around. I have learned a lot from some very knowledgeble Audiogoners and I hope that somewhere I have been able to contribute some of my own experiences which has helped someone else. We are currently in the middle of a very tough economy. I have heard that it is going to get worse before it gets better. Let's hope that it gets better soon.