
Responses from aberyclark

New Technics turntables
The studio Phono is now on its way. Next up will be ordering the 1210 this weekend 
New Technics turntables
I'm now leaning toward the 1210GR. I already ordered an ATVM540ML cartridge. I'm also thinking of the MoFi Studio phono (mono button) since I have many mono albums. The Studio Phono looks like the best low cost option. Eventually I would like to g... 
Turntable Ground Wire question
Thanks. I’ve read that some recommend just using the standard riaa phono pre and forget it. Most 50’s 78’s by the major labels are RIAA anyway ( from what I’ve read). I’ll probably start with the mofi and go from there 
Cheap cart confession
Does anyone know what ZU does to modify the Denon cartridges they offer? 
New Technics turntables
You've got me thinking. I'm willing to bet the built in pre of the 1500c is no better than the cheap options like the Schitt or even this one (I have 78's as well---and will be getting a dedicated mono/78 cartridge)https://www.needledoctor.com/Eso... 
New Technics turntables
I'm really thinking of the 1500c as I get back into vinyl after many years. I like the idea of a built in phono plus, I can use external phono as well. I could upgrade the RED stylus to a blue. The phono has decent reviews. I would guess its a typ... 
Cheap cart confession
I'm confused. The one time $2500 "dealer buy" cartridge needs work and the company will not honor warranty. Will they fix it for a fee? I'm a little confused 
Turntable for a Newbie!
I'm going to order the Technics 1500c. If I want to update the phono, the TT has a set of phono outs. The headshells are removable, thus different cartridges are easier (mono, 78, etc). If I get deeper into vinyl, I can keep this unit just for 78'... 
Who has the Technics SL-1500c turntable?
Great to hear.  
Who has the Technics SL-1500c turntable?
I agree. The preamp has gotten excellent reviews. I would say probably as good as any $250 or so pre.  
Who needs a Preamp??
I know many love the Freya, I’m just doubting the unit would be an improvement over a $4000 preamp like my BHK pre.  
Who needs a Preamp??
So who makes a passive preamp with balanced ins and outs, two outputs that are active at same time, multiple inputs for various components? 
Should I get an SL-1200G
Myself is interested in very casual listening of a few LP's. The 1500c with it's built in pre amp looks attractive.  
I was thinking of going down the new class D road. I was looking at Cherry, PS Audio, nuprime,  etc. I decided on pure class A FirstWatt J2. I really can’t imagine any amp sounding any better in my current system.  
PASS LABS XP-22 vs. XP-12
I know it sounds great, I just love the look as well. My BHK pre sounds amazing with my FirstWatt J2, I’m probably not looking a too much of a sound upgrade, however, the looks set the Pass apart.