Cheap cart confession

I'm in the forced audio gear buy mode, since my $2500 retail cart isn't being honored by warranty. No emergency decent cart to use. I was able to purchase it as a "once on a lifetime" dealer buy.

Meanwhile, just for kicks...

Ortofon OM5. It's been in a drawer for years. $50 plasticky,throw away replacing a $2500 machined aluminum body cartridge  that came in an equally attractive, nice smelling wooden box. My table setup/phono pre was $6-7Kish when new?

I'm being reminded by what I hear. If everything AFTER the cart is in reasonable order(synergy?) even a throw away cart will play the magic! It may be veiled,a little mushy and such, but I can still enjoy it more than my  CD deck thru a R2R DAC. It's very clean and precise, but it doesn't have the unexplainable, hold my attention for long quality.

Because my disposable play money is divided into a few thing outside of audio crap, I'm going backward with the next cartridge. I just can't wait and save for something substantial. Thank goodness my ears/brain can accept the horror!

I purchased an already marked down+ additional discount  low end model that I think will perform great(for the price) 

Under $400 Nirvana! Should have it on the table by mid week. 

I wanted to set up one of the two turntables in my main system with an inexpensive cartridge for used records.  I bought a Shure V15 Type 4 with a broken stylus off ebay, a JICO SAS replacement stylus, and some capacitance loading plugs to tame the brightness of the V15 and I'm pretty happy with the results.  All in it was about $390 and I'm really pleased with the sound.

Thanks  for the suggestion. I had a Sumiko Blackbird repaired by SS year ago.
I forgot SS isn't the only game in town.

I'm really hoping my ART 9 is salvageable. I'm done with $1K+ carts for awhile.
They sound wonderful, but as mentioned earlier, my system is finally at a point it will  allow an inexpensive cart to shine.

boxer12-it's internal. The stylus is fine. It was a one time, sale final kinda thing.
Its a shame, I REALLY enjoyed it. A nice slice of what the fuss is all about.
Zu puts a new body made of machined aluminum on the Denon in place of the original plastic body.
Ortofon OM5. 

If you like Ortofon try the M20 FL SUPER that was one of the cheapest among cartridges of the month in MM thread on a'gon years ago. I don't have a cartridge anymore, a friend is happy with it, but i still have NOS nude Fine Line stylus for it. Cartridge generator without stylus is cheap.

Another killer option for you could be Stanton and Pickering cartridges like 881s mkII or XSV3000 , both with nude Stereohedron diamonds like this.  

Don't know what's your limit to call it cheap, normally under $350 is cheap for a decent MM. Glanz moving flux cartridges often on ebay for under $450 (the best of them is 610LX). But if you're in the States then definitely look for Stanton 881 or 981 (or Pickering XSV3000 or higher). 

P.S. When you retip the ART-9 with SS it is no longer ART-9. 
He could upgrade Denon 103 with his best diamonds and/or cantilever, but the ART-9 is not the case.