Responses from andy2
Understanding DAC's Everything considered, the original quality of the recordings probably makes the most difference whether it was done in DSD or redbook PCM. Having said that, everything else being equal, if the original recoding was done in DSD, it should be bett... | |
10 Audio Cable Myths and Facts Saying there is "there is no cable breaking-in" without any proof is as bad or even worse than saying otherwise. "ShieldCable" is just re-iterating some dogmatic beliefs without any scientific evidence. | |
Harbeth 40.2 There is the classic BBC dip which literally means it will be quieter in the midrange. A dip in the 1KHz - 3KHz range does not necessarily mean "loss of details". It just means that the upper mid (such as female voice) will be less forward. "... | |
Revel’s Sound Signature Nowadays, there are few and far between good audio stores to demo new speakers. I wonder that phenomenal myself. I've read a study that show younger generations don't really care for "cars" as much and for them "cars" are just something to get... | |
Considering the option of "DSP speakers" Having digging into the miniDSP hardware, I begin to see what I personally would see some serious short comings. At least some of the low end miniDSP hardware, there is a limitation to the number of "taps" in the DSP section which are used to imp... | |
OMG, just removed my speaker grills and the sound just opened up to a new level! I guess MC is a pub? I have to agree it's a lot more fun making a parody out of a pub. | |
OMG, just removed my speaker grills and the sound just opened up to a new level! Grills tend to affect the treble the most and works as an attenuation. If a speaker was intentionally voiced with the grills on then it will probably sound "better" with the grill on. Basically they probably add 1db or so to the treble so to count... | |
Thiel Owners There is a new loudspeaker on the scene in the tradition of Time -Coherent design- Qln Prestige Three. I’ve read the review and also the interview with the designer but I couldn’t find any reference to it being "time-phase coherent". He did mentio... | |
Thiel Owners Good to see you again. Are you building a new loudspeaker?What else is on your radar this Spring season? I've been detoxing :-) I've recently converted a 3-way speakers, that previously was designed with higher order filters, to first order ti... | |
Thiel Owners Out of curiosity, this question is probably for Tom. As all of Thiel designs using a angled-baffle, do they all have the same angle? What would you say the average angle of the baffle?I’ve found that about 8 degree has worked well for me. | |
Goldmund, not much inside, but ultra expensive. Don’t blame Goldmund, I just bought a 31K SUV with thousands of parts inside and yet a 6 foot pair of speaker wires can easily cost in excess of the 31K. Just curious to ask what do you think of a $310K Ferrari? It gets to the grocery store just ... | |
Goldmund, not much inside, but ultra expensive. I don't disagree that sometimes "less is more". And of course it does not mean the more parts the better and ultimately it's the sound that matters. In a similar topic, in term of "less is more", some people prefer low power amplifier because th... | |
Goldmund, not much inside, but ultra expensive. On a slight tangential subject, I currently have an Arcam CD23. When I open up the case, I can see some serious engineering has gone into it.On the other hands, some CDP got nothing but a tiny little circuit board in it that makes you scratch you... | |
Why Does CD Sound So Good? I have an Ayre QB-9 DSD streaming from my labtop USB and an Arcam CD23, but the QB9 is definitely better than the CD23 so I don’t know if it proves anything.Theoretically the underlining technology should not be different in term of converting 1’s... | |
2 way, which are the best designs? There is a saying "If you owe me $100 dollars, it's your problem. If you owe me $100K dollars, it's my problem".If you argue with Kenjit, I wonder whose problem that is :-) |