
Responses from andy2

Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
I can't match prof word for word, since he already retires but I still have to earn money, so anyway, to save time, I plagiarize ... errrrr ... I mean paraphrase from a book.In this book, there was a "real" story about a get together, or a convent... 
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
Nothing beats prof post :-) 
Speaker for my system around 10K$, used.
Golden Ear Triton Reference Ins’t that too big for his listening space? For 10K, I suppose he can buy a nice pair of petite monitors. He’ll gain quality as well as a more appropriate sound pressure for what he characterized as a "smallish listeni... 
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
Robert Frost proved that both fire and ice will end up with you dead.  That means both snake oil and believers will end up dead.  I guess my choice would be the less painful one or does it even matter - either way you're dead.Hm ... is there a pil... 
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
Hey, you eliminate one by one.  What you get?  Snake oil and believers.  Damn, ain't getting easier.  Between Jekyll and Hide.  Close your eyes and pick one lols.   
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
So is it a cloud?  Hey may be it's pre heliocentric universe?  Like watching soccer but you can't see the ball.Maybe it's true there's an audiophile Darth Vader that created an empire for all the snake oils to thrive.  How else can you explain it?... 
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
Hey, if this thread going on long enough, Mr. geoffkait might turn into a poet - like Mark Twain part II.  At least there's a plus of all the back and forth.  Regardless, my right ear is fairly deaf above 7KHz, so I have an inherent bottle-neck so... 
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
It seems like the believers are having an upper hands at the moment.  The snake oil camp is having a break.  Sort of like the bulls vs. bears on the stock market.Hey, maybe this thread is good for stock picking.  I need to find a correlation.  So ... 
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
That is why I think blind testing should be used more often. Can the dielectric effect of the floor on a cable induce a large enough fraction of a micro-volt to hear in the speakers? I do not claim some things could never make a difference one can... 
Considering the option of "DSP speakers"
Along the line of DSP, I stopped by a dealer a couple of days ago, and he got some top-end room correction software and He gave me a demo but although in some sense it does sound "good", but again the treble just don’t sound right, it’s like the t... 
"a stylish and affordable launch into the world of high-performance audio"
If Bob stole money from Joe to pay for a 200K of speakers, then it might be a problem.  But if Bob honestly made the money himself, then by all means.  In fact, I want as many people to purchase $200K speakers as many as possible.   
Thiel Owners
Bud, Coors,  Heineken, Corona, Draft? It's not the beers that made the man.   
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
I experimented with using beer cans as cable risers. I would drink a beer then used the empty can as a riser. And guess what? By the time I finished it worked. Good idea. It works better than cable risers. After my beer post, it actually turned so... 
"a stylish and affordable launch into the world of high-performance audio"
Maybe we shouldn't be surprise.  Think of the speakers in the OP post like a Toyota Camry - perfectly fine at around 30K.  Then there are the supercars (or super cars) that are around 300K.  I don't think the supercars are 10X better than the Toyo... 
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
This thread is better than beers.  Better even than self-indulgence.