
Responses from andy2

Future of cables!
It only works for "ballistic conduction".  Our speaker wires are too long to be qualified as "ballistic conductor". In mesoscopic physics, ballistic conduction (ballistic transport) is the t... 
Why are Trolls not blocked
If that's the case, nobody here will be allowed to post :-) 
Amplifiers weight
It’s like cooking. Things such as transformers, caps, transistors ... are like ingredients. They establish an upper limits. And of course how good you are as a chef determines the final finished products.  Mr. Pass probably won't be able to do muc... 
Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?
After listening to tube and solid state preamps, I have to say there is something about tubes that make musics come alive.  It's hard to put it in words.  Check out some Conrad Johnson stuffs. 
Tubes vs Solid State and the guilty party
Hm.... this is definitely not "cable break-in".  The measurements of tubes and solid states are like night and day so I am not sure if this is an issue.   
How to guarantee to lower noise- ground loops in your system
I think ground loop is caused by equipment not having the same ground potential.  If A and B have different ground potential, then a small current will be created between A and B and it is caused by equipment design defect.Or it could be caused by... 
The “They are here” vs “You are there” sound topic
Speakers with wide baffle are generally "you’re are there". Those with narrower baffle tend to be "they are here".  That's why monitors are usually "they are here" and of course some of that because most monitors don't have a lot of bass. 
Best songs to test speakers
Thanks OP for the links. I’ve been looking for these and it’s nice to have in one list.  By the way, does anyone know if the streaming from WhatHiFi links are red book quality? 
Aerial Acoustics 6T Speaker
It’s very interesting that the Thiel speakers are characterized as "lean" by teajay. I thought they are very natural and full-body sound. I can understand they could sound a bit "cool" if driven by a front end system that is a bit bright.I was won... 
Quality of digital cable from from source to DAC?
These kinds of discussion will get nowhere. Anyway here are facts:1. It’s not zero’s and one’s. 2. It’s electrical signals.3. Once you connect A to B, A will affect B electrically regardless. 
Considering the option of "DSP speakers"
I’ve voiced my opinions on some of the issues with room correction if it tries to correct the entire freq. band, bass to 20KHz, specifically to the treatment of the treble audio range. Another philosophical problem is that, let’s say you purchase ... 
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
OK, seems like trolling is in vogue here. We all know of people having multiple usernames. But very few know that there are multiple people sharing the same username lols. That explains the mysterious phenomenon of why some people possess expertis... 
Thiel Owners
When the world turns darkAnd the heart turns coldAnd beauty turns to meThat's when I turn cold.OK, what's the hell is that?  I think I just need more beers :-) 
Thiel Owners
I'll probably see if the KEF R series can come close to the magic that is Thiel, but I'm not counting on it. The magic is in the beers :-) 
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
I have to say this thread is almost like beers but not quite though :-)