Responses from andy2
Thiel Owners After been doing a bit research into "DSP option", it just happens that I may have found a mis-understanding, or may have been a false claim, with respect to time-coherent design. I certain did make that myself in this thread. Apparently, I myse... | |
Considering the option of "DSP speakers" One of the main motivation is that one can implement any forms of filtering - your imagination is the limit. And of course, if you want to implement "time coherent design", using passive filter may be very difficult, but with "DSP", it's much eas... | |
Why no “Break in” period? If you switch to M and P, it makes all the difference. Instead of divergence, there’ll be convergence. And there’ll be solution to the equations. HURRY UP PLEASE ITS TIMENow Albert’s coming back. Make yourself a bit smart. We have lingered in th... | |
Thiel Owners I have the CJ Premier 16LS2 and love it! Same of course with my other CJ gear. Been saving for the $25K GAT but will see if my saving or my life will get there first :-) | |
Thiel Owners FYI.I saw a pair of CS3.6 for sale here at Audiogon from tmraudio which I bought a few stuffs from them and they have been very good. | |
Considering the option of "DSP speakers" An interesting excerpt from an interesting article regarding to "room correction:An example will show this point more clearly. Consider a loudspeaker standing in a room. Mr A measures impulse responses in a certain listening volume and finds to hi... | |
Considering the option of "DSP speakers" Colonel Kurtz "You don't like my methods?"Captain Willard "I don't see any method."Since we're on the topic of "DSP", with regards to some of the methods, it seems like some of them try to correct the entire frequency spectrum, which maybe a lit... | |
Go Active Crossover or Upgrade existing XOs? Talking about "DSP" engineering an cost ... as a saying goes "A good engineer can do for a penny for what a mediocre engineer can for a dollar." But I don't do cliche. Nobody has ever said that an "evil engineer will take the dollar and maybe ev... | |
Why no “Break in” period? “In the South Seas there is a cargo cult of people. During the war they saw airplanes land with lots of good materials, and they want the same thing to happen now. So they've arranged to imitate things like runways, to put fires along the sides ... | |
What is $5,000 worth today, and is it better than 1,600 in the 80's? Equipment is all about fun. Infinity ... | |
Why no “Break in” period? “Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.” Albert Einstein.lols I managed to squeeze that in. And here is mine that even muchas better than that a$$ :-) and mark my words.There is no such thing ... | |
Thiel Owners Not meaning to turn this thread to "tubes vs. solid state", but I currently have a Conrad Johnson 17LS and Pass Labs XP10, but I prefer the 17LS for music listening, but the XP10 is a really good preamp and in some way actually more refined than t... | |
Considering the option of "DSP speakers" It seems like Dynaudio also offers some pretty high end "active" options. Their most expensive is the Focus XD 60 which is $10K even. Why couldn’t they make them $7K even? I might throw in a $1K tip lols.$10K is some serious money for a pair of sp... | |
How Science Got Sound Wrong There are so many "butt hurts" in this thread I myself starting to feel a bitty itchy back there. | |
Go Active Crossover or Upgrade existing XOs? Is asvjerry posting in Engles? No comprendo muchachas. Es poquito? |