
Responses from andy2

DIY cables question
Making a good proper pair of cables for audio are not easy.  You can make some cheap DIY cables and they can sound decent.  I've done that before using Cat5/or Goertz foils.  But they won't be as good as good as a well engineered pair of cables.  ... 
Speaker Cables? why all the hype for expensive speaker wire?
I love the smell of cables in the morning. 
Speaker Cables? why all the hype for expensive speaker wire?
Although you could make a case that difference may not be better, but if everything is based on personal preference then the human race would not have come this far.  We may not know which is better but you would know it when you hear it.It's like... 
Best Sounding Speaker Cables?
^^^ Most LCR meters measure LCR of a cable as a per foot metric.  But in a cable the LCR is a distributed phenomenal so it's not like the entire cable is one big inductor or capacitor.  The inductance or capacitance can vary along the length of a ... 
Best Sounding Speaker Cables?
LCR is dynamic to the level it impacts musical program. I am not sure what you meant.  But inductors and capacitors can become non-linear if the applied stimulus will exceed the rating parameters. 
Best Sounding Speaker Cables?
LCR is spatially variable.  To some degree, LCR is also dependent on the input stimulus.  To say LCR per foot is just too much of a blasphemy.   
Best Sounding Speaker Cables?
Which all distill down to LCR and R is mostly irrelevant The problem these are all variable.  They are not constant. 
Underwood HiFi Cables
Before Equi=Core was bought out by Underwood, they were selling power cords that were revealed to be straight re-brands from China, available on Amazon. Back in the day, someone pointed it out in one of the threads about the company and the the... 
Underwood HiFi Cables
I think we need to see the internal of the power cord.  It's possible Underwood may be using some fancy marketing terminology, but underneath it's just like any other power cords.  Investing in the engineering to design a good power cord is not so... 
Underwood HiFi Cables
The power cable looks suspiciously like some of the inexpensive cables found on Amazon from China. 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
Nada. Audio signals are AC. Another low poster trying to sound smart. 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
Of course, this is crazy, but who here says otherwise? The smallest step-change in amplitude that can be detected by ear is about 0.3dB for a pure tone. In more realistic situations it is 0.5 to 1.0dB'" 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
Music is not a single tone sinewave.  Every piece of musical instrument can produce a range of frequency from the lowest to highest.  A drum sound can extend all the way up to upper treble frequency.Using a single tone sinewave to understand how p... 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
“If it sounds good, it IS good.” Or better ..."If it sounds good and measures good, it IS good".You at least want to make sure if it measures good.  But does not mean that if something measures good, it will sound good.  At the end you have to ... 
What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
As far as I know, there is no measurement out there that can tell the difference in sound from a paper driver, ceramic, aluminum, or magnesium drivers.  But you can clearly hear the difference with different driver materials.