

Responses from audioguy85

Replacement for current speakers suggestions
Go with the wharfedale Lintons! I've never seen more positive reviews for one component ever, and I've read tons of reviews....seemingly they are terrific speakers for the money. Plus, they come with very nice looking stands to boot...  
Different R2R DACs
Easy, the border patrol dac(s)...plural because there are different levels and configurations. Surprised, then again not, that no one ever mentions it. A pity, as it is a terrific affordable r2r dac with a tubed power supply section (defeatable). ... 
Dustcover Blues
The dust cover is there to prevent dust build up on the equipment, not the record. Remove it when playing a record.    
$39K for the Linn Klimax DAC/streamer?
Buy a Grace digital link for $179... and save $38,821 It streams, it works, it sounds nice......some people need serious help.... Combined with the musical fidelity V90 dac, and you got a budget streamer/dac that will sound better than anything ... 
Live music you have attended that left impact....perhaps better than you expected.
Boston symphony orchestra holiday at the pops.....otherwise none....most Rock concerts sound absolutely atrocious....there have been some small acoustic ensembles that I’ve heard that sounded relatively good... 
Audiophile virtues
I’ll agree with previous poster who said he has never read the book, nor does he desire to do so. Listening is not the same as hearing. Listening takes practice and concentration. Once mastered, then one can make a more clear and educated decision... 
Describe the sound of point source loudspeakers?
One speaker comes to mind when you say "point source", and that is Tannoy....I guess you can include KEF as well, however they are not the same design as tannoy. Tannoy was the first and is the best, since the origination of the dual concentric dr... 
Advice needed re: new CD player purchase
Why not buy the Naim cd5si? It’s It’s very musical player with a unique way of loading a cd....its gotten great reviews everywhere and is only $1695. It is red book only. 
Blue Lights
Border patrol dac tube activation button surround Lights up blue.... 
Seeing sounds and music.....
That was a mouth full, I guess I'll have it all read by end of weekend... 
Budget High Current Power Cords
Audioquest thunder power cord is maybe not "cheap" but it works. However, I don't believe you provided enough info as to what is considered cheap. Cheap is relative, for instance, you spend 3000 to 5000 on an amp, then to me, the 700-800 on a thun... 
Tube Power vs Solid State Power
I prefer solid state class A single ended, as in sugden. I leave the tubes to the ancillary sources, such as the phono preamp, and my tubed border patrol dac, tubed rectifier power supply to be more accurate. I think this is the way to go, as you ... 
Best Speaker Choice for my very "non-audio-friendly" Living Room
Go and buy some big a$$ Tannoys and be happy! 
Top 5 Reaons to NOT BUY A TURNTABLE.
Man, what is with the obsession with the so called crackle and pop? I have very little of it, and even when it exists, it is not bothersome, as the music sounds great through a great analog set up. I will say it, if you are not into records, you a... 
Science that explains why we hear differences in cables?
Happy with my Audioquest type 4's.....its all any sane person needs.....a recommended Stereophile component since the 80's I believe...also unchanged....although, now, discontinued....a pity...