Responses from audioguy85
Unplugging preamp, amp and cable while music is playing Why would anyone do this? It clearly states In most user manuals not to do so, plus it's common sense. | |
amplifier longevity There are Sugden A21's still going strong over 30 years later, so much for the Bogus heat issue..... | |
Audio Research or Luxman? Luxman raised their prices substantially. The 550 ax11 class A model went up $1000! Ridiculous. You are paying for the meters. I would rather have my Sugden no nonsense class A integrated minus the meters. You can add a cheap Vu meter from ebay ma... | |
If you have a CD Player, you need to do this periodically... Should I or shouldn’t I wear a tin foil hat while doing this? Obsurd...been in this hobby for over years and bought one of the very first cd player when it came out, never have I had to do any of this. This is right up there with cable elevators a... | |
Need suggestions for another pair of headphones (Have Sennheiser HD600) Shure 1840’s, open back. However, you would not believe how open sounding the AKG K550's sound. They are closed back. | |
flabbergasted with reviews on speakers Most every speaker I have bought based on a review has been pretty darn good. I use reviews to base my decisions on, as unfortunately most if not all hifi stores in my area have closed their doors long ago...Spearit Sound, Tech HiFi, Audio Concept... | |
Better Records Hot Stampers: Or, how I learned to stop collecting and love listening Been buying from Tom (better records) for three years now, it's no joke. Yes, expensive, but to me and my ears, worth it. | |
Phono stage shoot out: best mid priced unit? I love my Tavish the classic. Running all NOS tubes with it, GE 12au7, RCA 7025 gray plate, and a Sylvania 5157 with disc getter....sounds good to me. The Tavish Adagio will be mine, someday. Scott is a great guy, very reachable and helpful. The A... | |
Harbeth again…or other speakers for acoustic music? I'd recommend trying Tannoys...once you hear a pair, I think you will be hooked like so many others. | |
Why not use a piece of silver wire instead of a jumper cable? Then why do some here crap on others for using interconnects or speaker cables constructed of silver or copper plated with silver? Never understood that, as My QED silver anniversary speaker cables have always sounded great to my ears. I guess Ort... | |
Guess How Big My Speakers Are No, No, what really matters is that your speaker cables are elevated 😄 | |
Devore or Audio Note or other sensitive speakers: wanting to listen in Denver I present this excerpt from a review by Herb Reichert of the Wharfedale diamond 225 speaker at 87 db sensitivity. My point being that you don't necessarily have to buy a 90db and above speaker in order to drive it well with a relatively low watt a... | |
CDP or Transport and DAC? Recomendations? Just picked up the Cyrus cdt transport. Will be feeding it to my Border Patrol r2r dac. Possibly the best transport out there at the price. Have the audio lab transport, however it is my feeling that it is too large for what it does, unnecessarily... | |
Room Treaments - Where To Begin... A rug, some toss pillows, a throw or two, and maybe a tapestry or do not need hideous looking things hanging everywhere. I use Tannoys with concentric drivers, the toe in is quite extreme, and they are front ported. The room interaction ... | |
Best speakers around $130k? You are either crazy, a multi millionaire, robbed a bank, and on top of all that, are not married, or have a very understanding wife....even if all this were the case, I would not be blowing 130k on a pair of speakers. Just think about it....let's... |