

Responses from audioguy85

Top 3 songs to evaluate a system
Why? It should sound great with lots of things...otherwise, there is a problemo... 
What do audiophiles do in their cars?
Listen to AM radio..I'm done tossing money away on car audio...I did when I was young and foolish. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Nothing, I'm going to bed...zzzzzzz 
What is the latest greatest word in isolation footers for amps? stands?
Not sure for your application, but you really do not need anything more than the vibrapods, both cones and discs. Great value and they work. Spending outrageous amounts on these things is insane.  
For SACD fans only
I would not pay that kind of money for any of the ones mentioned, that’s insane. Just pick up a nicely used Marantz sa8005. New, it was $1200. Too bad Marantz discontinued it, as now you can't touch a Marantz sacd player for that kind of money... 
Tiny bridges everywhere, but why?
Ugh, the lifting cable thing yet again...its a bunch of bull, it will do nothing to improve sound. Some here are dillusional. Also, most people that want to survive a marriage are not going to have an erector set of cabling all over the freakin li... 
Does Heavy Metal music benefit from a high end audio system?
It’s the recording/pressing/mastering...more so than the system....some rock or heavy metal sounds like a congested mess on any system, Jmo and my ears....I do not listen much to it, and favor jazz, bluegrass, classical, and some country...mostly ... 
What do you think is the best integrated amplifier under 1000
I’ll second all previous recommendations, rogue Sphinx, rega brio, van alstine set 120, and the a11 tribute by rotel...all excellent products for the money. I am personally thinking about buying the set 120 just to try it out...not that I need any... 
Best Integrated that you've heard under $5k
The Sugden A21se @ $3250 is quite a bargain. Also, my Marantz pm14s1 @ $3000....both the best I’ve ever owned. Also the Unison Research unico primo and the Naim Nait 5si...Next, I'm going to try a Van Alstine SET 120 control amplifier, just becaus... 
Did she mention my name? Gordon Lightfoot....😁 
amplifier with volume control
I'll second the van alstine set 120...great reviews...I think I'll try one for sh*ts and giggles.... 
I'm a Dummy, Tell Me About Turntable Mats
I use a Stein music mat on my MMf-7.3...it is a super thin mat and causes no issue with VTA. To me, it sounds great...it ought to at $249!Also have the Origin Live mat, but have not used it yet. I  originally had, actually still have, the original... 
Would Appreciate Advice Before I Buy
Don’t buy the klipsch....instead, buy the wharfedale diamond 225’s at music direct for only $299....they were originally $449. You will be much happier and the bass is much better than the klipsch. Read the stereophile review and absolute sound re... 
Next TT
Vertere or origin live 
HiFi vs MidFi
Amazing the system you can assemble today with all the affordable choices. Imo, audiophiles never had it so good. There is something for every budget, and the budget components are darn good.