
Responses from audiokinesis

Best $500 speakers for Home theater only?
For home theater, given that you already have a high-output sub, seems like high output mains are called for. Maybe Klipsch Chorus. Duke 
Beveridge speakers-does anyone still use them?
Hello Baranyi,Congrats on your Beveridges! I had no idea. Very cool speakers indeed. Living legends.How do you have them set up? What are you driving them with? Thanks,Duke 
Zu Definition Pro - Please comment, room/shipping
Hi Akatora,Your links are timing out for me, so I can't see what your room looks like. But if Macro says the big Zus will work in your room, I'm sure they will.As for shipping companies, I go first to in situations like this, but ... 
Hansen Emperor vs......
WildWildWes, I presume you're not aware... I wasn't either until Guido came to my room at RMAF. Guido is blind. That's why he said "I can report only what my ears detected".My wife was running my RMAF room when Guido came in, and when he asked a f... 
Atma-Sphere Mp-1 mk III
I agree with EssentialAudio on the pairing of MP-1 with JC-1, and I'm sure the MP-1 could be quite successfully paired with a very wide variety of amplifiers, preferably with true balanced inputs of course.One way to reduce system gain is with int... 
Speakers and Tube Amps
Thanks Ralph, and thank you too, Dev.Blindjim, in my opinion the "order" of the crossover doesn't reveal whether or not a speaker is tube-friendly. I can think of examples with filters ranging from first through fourth order, and don't really see ... 
Speakers and Tube Amps
Mike, as Swampwalker suggests, you can ask. Or if you want to do some legwork (or keyboardwork), you can see whose amplifiers they have shown with at audio shows. When I first became a SoundLab dealer, I was quite frustrated that the factory would... 
Speakers and Tube Amps
Maybe I can put on my speaker designer hat and comment on Ralph aka Atma-Sphere's statement that you need to find out the intention of the speaker designer.Let's say we have an "8-ohm" speaker whose impedance dips to 4 ohms in the upper bass regio... 
Two Subwoofers... Comb Effect
Thanks, Aldavis. Just so you know, I don't mean to discount your personal experiences and observations, such as regarding 4th order crossovers, but it's possible that the problems you heard could be traced to a frequency response issue arising fro... 
2-way speaker with best bass
Good call, Spenceroo. I forgot about the Timepiece - it definitely belongs in this thread.Duke 
Two Subwoofers... Comb Effect
Aldavis, in my opinion that author makes a mistake in assuming an anechoic environment for the sake of simplicity. I believe the room's influence to be the dominant factor in determining the perceived low-frequency characteristics, assuming compet... 
Two Subwoofers... Comb Effect
Shadorne, I disagree with the basic premise of the author of that article. His third sentence describes his foundational belief:"I soon learned that realistic loudspeaker reproduction requires reproduction of the input waveform, which seems somewh... 
2-way speaker with best bass
The Altec Model 19 has very good bass, but it's a tad larger than some of the other two-ways mentioned in this thread.Duke 
Two Subwoofers... Comb Effect
If you have a steep-slope lowpass filter (24 dB per octave), then you can get away with spreading subs around the room. Most subs have a 12 dB per octave lowpass filter, and so will give away their presence and not blend well because they allow to... 
What to fill Skylan stands with for Harbeth SHL5s
Someone in the industry who I respect a great deal, but don't have permission to quote so I won't use his name, thinks very highly of Star Sound Technologies' Micro-Bearing conductive steel. Someone other than the folks at Star Sound, I should add...