
Responses from audiokinesis

Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution
"It seems like your new system concept will probably work well not only in a variety of small rooms, but also some medium sized rooms." The main speaker array has a lot more dynamic range than one is likely to use in a small room, so yeah the syst... 
Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution
Hi Tim, My reasoning is simply this: Four one-foot-square footprints (2 mains w/built-in subs + 2 separate subs) are easier to shoehorn into a really small room than six (two stand-mounted mains + four separate subs). And I already make the latter... 
2ch Upgrade for Unfocused Listening
"Omni-directional: It really is raising an eyebrow. The fact that there have been several suggestions to go omni-directional does get me thinking."  Imo the argument for a quasi- omnidirectional system in your situation is this:   Good timbre la... 
Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution
" What is the smallest room size recommended for use with the DEBRA/SWARM systems? "  This will be somewhat counter-intuitive, but a small room benefits more from a distributed multisub system than a large room does. The reason is, smaller rooms a... 
2ch Upgrade for Unfocused Listening
You might consider Morrison Audio.  Extremely well thought-out design.Duke 
The best looking speakers
As a start, you might invite your wife to flip through a few audio magazines with you.  Hopefully you will start to home in on where what she likes and what you want overlap.  Duke 
speaker impeadance question
"I’m afraid I must offer another correction, this being a matter of considerable significance... It was actually a different character, "Emily Litella," who concluded her commentary on Saturday Night Live with the words "never mind." "  Well, it j... 
speaker impeadance question
@almarg wrote: " I believe some of them have been made without the realization that the OP’s monoblock amps are solid state."  Oops.  As Roseanna Roseannadanna would say: "Well... nevermind."  Duke 
speaker impeadance question
Erik wrote: "What huge spike [in the impedance curve]?? "That’s very typical for a speaker with a 2 way crossover. What I’m impressed with is how flat the rest of the speaker impedance curve is."The impedance curve can matter a great deal when it ... 
speaker impeadance question
" What I am concerned about is the huge [impedance] spike at 3khz..."  Notice that this impedance spike (which is closer to 2.5 kHz) corresponds with a frequency response dip, when driven by whatever voltage-paradigm amp the NRC uses. So an amp li... 
Ears hurt when listening after changing speakers
Teo wrote: "reduction in spl vs seating distance is almost perfectly linear with panel speakers and is almost exponential with point source speakers."Cleeds asked: "Huh? How can that possibly be? Have you actually measured this?"Intensity (in this... 
Ears hurt when listening after changing speakers
" The new speakers have a wider dispersion. "Imo there may well be a correlation between WHERE the dispersion is wide and WHAT lourdes is hearing.According to Stereophile's measurements, the Rockports are dead flat on-axis.  This means they inevit... 
Very small room systems and synergy
gmc56 wrote: "...all my systems have sounded screechy and lacking in mid bass to bass."Imo "screechy" implies excess energy in the 2-4 kHz region. This is where many speakers have a crossover from midwoofer to tweeter. The tweeter typically has a ... 
Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution
Mijostyn wrote: "Duke I need you to define what you mean by a minimum phase system."I probably shouldn’t have used that term, as it sounds like I’m talking about phase response. You can google the term "minimum phase system" if you want.Instead of... 
Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution
Mijostyn wrote: "The statement that the ear (which should be ears) have very poor time domain response is 180 degrees wrong."You are correct! I did not proofread carefully. Here is what I should have said:"Because the ear has very poor time domain...