

Responses from audioman58

Magico A1 vs KEF Reference 1 (META) vs KEF LS50 + KEF KC62
Good luck ,it’s not easy to get a ideal fit sometimes.my brother has  $$ 6 digits in audio equipment where I have to plan on my next buy , sometimes others don’t realize just how lucky there are when $$ is not the limiting factor. 
Why has focal raised their prices so much on Sopra line
I will have to see my options , maybe a open baffle like the spatial audio X3 or x5 it does everything well  with vh audio Odam capacitor upgrades better still. ?   Maybe the used market. The Wilson Sabrina X  are a exceptional  upgrade in trickle... 
A dedicated line if possible 20 amp awg 10 lower resistance ,and a 4 wire ,dual ground much lower noise , one is common ground ,the other is a isolated insulated ground which for sure lowers the noise floor my Audiophile friend is  a master electr... 
The least expensive quality line conditioner, line conditioner the Audio Quest Niagra 1200 , $995 , at sunny Audio maybe a bit lower cheaper units use low grade AC sockets AQ great little unit next nit in their line $2500,  
Magico A1 vs KEF Reference 1 (META) vs KEF LS50 + KEF KC62
Personally I don’t like integrated low end class D amps in loudspeakers ,subs that's ok , a separate quality power amp much  better sound .class D can be good but  in the $1000s , not a $200 amp in a speaker . general rule of thumb  only 25% on av... 
Magico A1 vs KEF Reference 1 (META) vs KEF LS50 + KEF KC62
Why not look at the Focal Sopra1 that is a excellent Loudspeaker with  excellent reviews, 39 lbs built very solid  much better then most. Perrotta consultants Anthony gives fair pricing and great package deals. 
Focal Sopra 3
https://www.wilsonaudio.com/products/sabrina/sabrinax/dealersWilson is a better speaker , made in USA and much better resale value. 
Focal Sopra 02 and Pass XA25?
https://www.wilsonaudio.com/products/sabrina/sabrinax/dealersWilson better speaker same monies and much better resale value. 
Integrated amp for Focal Sopra 2
https://www.wilsonaudio.com/products/sabrina/sabrinax/dealersWilson better speaker same monies and muchbetter resale value . 
IsoAcoustic Gaia III with Focal Sopra 2
https://www.wilsonaudio.com/products/sabrina/sabrinax/dealersThe Wilson better speaker for same money and much better resale value. 
Focal sopra 2/Gryphon Diablo 300 not good match
https://www.wilsonaudio.com/products/sabrina/sabrinax/dealersBetter speaker same money and much better resale value 
unman M-900u for Focal Sopras 2 and 3
I was considering the Sopra 2 but when I seen a $4 k increase in price over $5 years with no changes that’s a rip off.for $19 k I can getthe Wilson Sophia 2 which is a better speaker ,and much better resale value. 
Focal sopra 2/Gryphon Diablo 300 not good match
I was looking at the Sopra 2 but they are greedy from $15-$19 kincreasein 5 years with No changes pure greed The Wilson  Sophia  2 is a better speaker ,and much better resale value. 
focal 1038be or sopra 2
The Sopra best the 1038 be on every level ,especially low level detail and pitch no contest and borrow a lot from their flagship line the only thing bad is Focal is getting greedy the Sopra 2 has gone up from $15k to$19 k in 5 years for no changes... 
What DAC upgrade made you say “DAMN, that sounds SO MUCH better than my last DAC”?
The very new line to the U.S  from Underwood Wally isAudio GD , I recently bought their New totally redesigned line as of late April 2021 the R8  MK2.it is a very beefy 25 lbs using 3  Rcore transformers operating  in pure class A on the analog st...