
Responses from auxinput

Emotiva XPA5 Gen 1
My same comments on Emotiva XPA-5 also apply to A-300.  If you really want a brand new amp with that much power, Emotiva is hard to beat.  But you can easily get a used amp that is significantly better!Emotiva Preamp - same thing.  They are rather... 
Emotiva XPA5 Gen 1
Both of these amps are very old.  I used to own Adcom amp (GFA545) and it was great for a first amp in my journey.  However, I found it was very dirty sounding and low resolution.  Both of these amps (Adcom/Acurus) are very warm and laid back soun... 
Emotiva XPA5 Gen 1
Niles is a company that makes distribution amps (such as 8 or 10 channel amps) for multi-room audio.  It is probably an okay amp, but nothing special.  I would probably assume that it isn't any better than your Onkyo 2-channel receiver. 
Solid core power cords under 300$ - List of manufacturers ?
Oh, and adding into the previous comments, low grade copper and PVC type insulation will definitely affect sound quality, as low grade copper will not be able to charge/discharge the higher frequencies and you'll have high frequency roll off.  In ... 
Solid core power cords under 300$ - List of manufacturers ?
Here's the challenge with using Romex as power cord.  What I have found through testing and experimentation is that the frequency response of your equipment is definitely affected by awg of solid core wiring of your power cord.  I have built multi... 
Klipsch vs Infinity
Two completely different speakers.  Klipschorn is based on horn loaded midrange and tweeter drivers.  If you have ever heard horn based speakers, they do have their own sonic signature.  They do excel in reproducing horn type instruments (such as ... 
Emotiva XPA5 Gen 1
By the way, the Klipsch R28F are very efficient (98db) and are 8 ohm speakers, so they really are not hard to drive.  You really don't need a high power 250 watt amp.  100-125 watts is more than enough (which is why I'm steering you towards the hi... 
Emotiva XPA5 Gen 1
Emotiva amps are very good for the money, but there are definitely better amps. If you really need a 5 channel amp with that much power, it’s hard to beat Emotiva. However, stock Emotiva is quit bright. I have found you can tame an Emotiva pretty ... 
how to connect power for amps
The problem with the outlet extenders that yogiboy has suggested is that they have very thin metal conductors.  I have already looked into these.  They are probably equivalent to 18awg power cords, and nowhere near enough to support good current f... 
B&W 805S vs Focal 1007 BE
My opinion would definitely be towards B&W.  The Focals have a tendency to be cold and analytical, though they are going to sound clearer and cleaner than the B&W.  While both have their impedance challenges that can hamper an amp's abilit... 
Krell 4k Foundation or Parasound jc2 Preamps
@erik_squires - just to clarify, he was talking about preamps only (Parasound JC2 was one of his options). He has stated that he already owns Parasound Halo amplifiers, lol.@lizzardkingseattle - That Krell Foundation could very well be a steal. Bu... 
Krell 4k Foundation or Parasound jc2 Preamps
I don't have any experience with either unit, but I can give my thoughts based on what I know and have read.The Parasound JC2 uses fully discrete FET analog stages.  I suspect that it is going to give more transparency and resolution than the Krel... 
Marantz 8802 pure mode question
"Pure Direct" modes will typically "bypass all processing". This means that it will decode and send audio directly to outputs based on the source content. An example would be that if source content is 2-channel PCM, you will only get left/right (r... 
Krell Showcase 7 Pre Pro Configure Problems
ah, after I posted that huge description, I'm thinking that you are using this for an audio only HT processor and it will be hard for you to find a monitor with analog video inputs that you can use for configuration (as everything is pretty much H... 
Krell Showcase 7 Pre Pro Configure Problems
Yup, that is the nature with home theater processors and home theater receivers. I have used many different HT processors and the Krell On Screen menu configuration is actually not that bad. I have found the Krell menu system pretty usable once ...