Responses from avanti1960
which amp for bedroom system with harbeth 7es-3 XD I had the Rogue Stereo 100 and it would be a good match with the C7ES (which I also owned) but they sounded better with my old rogue audio cronus magnum ii which has become quite a classic pairing with the C7s. not recommending the cronus magnu... | |
Cary Audio SLP-05 First Impression these will get you started... good price. good seller. https://www.ebay.com/itm/324982808300 https://www.ebay.com/itm/143762001910 | |
Next move from Parasound HINT? i switched from a parasound a21+ to a pass labs xa25 and the sound is so much more alive, clear and dynamic. look for a pass integrated. also a rogue audio pharaoh ii is worth a look. | |
Cary Audio SLP-05 First Impression @xcool do hang in there, lots of burn in required! the ultimate upgrades do seem to be subtle but some tube and rectifier changes can be dramatic upgades. for tube rolling tubes 1,2,4 and 5 affect non balanced inputs, just get two matched pa... | |
What Is So Special About Harbeth? @jjss49 i heard the exact opposite as have others. | |
Who's using Harbeth with tubes, what speaker model and how many watts per channel? @fjn04 i had the c73s3 with the rogue audio cronus magnum ii. one of the best sounding systems i have owned or heard, i could easily sell everything and go back, i know someone that did! rogue builds their amps with dynamics and slam, their ... | |
What made you change to a 6SN7 preamp? I did not jump to a 6SN7 preamp for the tube but did so to upgrade at preamp and the one I picked happened to use 8 of them including headphone amp. It also uses a tube rectifier which also contributes to the sound as well as a resin encased R-... | |
Please Recommend Highly Efficient Floor Standing Non-Horn Speaker Suggestions I owned the Spendor D7 towers driven by a tube integrated and they were extremely efficient, superbly dynamic and fast compared to my Harbeth boxes. i called them horn speakers without the down sides. Highly recommended. | |
Subwoofer between speakers? sub will not affect the speakers but the sub will probably not sound best in the center of the wall. typically they sound best near corners. follow your sub's instruction manual for best positioning. | |
Sub questions front firing has always sounded better to my ears and room. martin logan? i owned some for a while. sounded best projecting into the room. | |
Are there speakers that disappear regardless of the recording? to me it depends on the positioning of the speakers more than any other aspect. with the right positioning they should disappear with most if not all recordings. unfortunately it usually requires lots of depth in your room, the speakers need t... | |
What Is So Special About Harbeth? I had the opportunity to buy the SHL5+ or the XD and chose the +. The XD model was too smooth and laid back to my ears, more like the 40.2. It did have excellent bass. The 5+ is clearer and more detailed yet still a smooth, warm speaker overa... | |
Moving from Harbeth m30.1 to m30.2 XD owned and own other Harbeth models and have heard the 30.1 / 30.2XD several times. the new model seems to be smoother, more refined, more natural and slightly less detailed but with better bass. not recommended for pairing with an overly smoot... | |
No more "High End" for me...Back to Reality Audio congrats to you. you lost me at Sony UBP-X1000ES and surround speakers. personally i am thinking about the same topic, selling off and simplifying. smaller speakers, integrated tube amp, ditching the subwoofers. | |
Help with choosing sub-woofers please @clearthinker no affiliation with REL or the audio industry. after trying several subwoofers and never able to fix their integration issues to my satisfaction i decided to try REL. they did the trick. it took a few weeks instead of months to... |