
Responses from avanti1960

What Is So Special About Harbeth?
Guess I did not directly answer the question- really it is how they sound that makes them special but how they get there is the answer. They use a lossy tuned cabinet resonance design that gives them a controlled richness. The proprietary midran... 
Luxman integrated for Harbeth Compact 7's
a rogue audio cronus magnum iii sounds better than any solid state integrated i have heard with the C7s including luxman.   luxmans are too recessed for proper synergy.    
Importing from Japan
just buy it and open the box when it gets there. no issues the few times i have ordered stuff from japan and overseas to the US. the only issues to be aware of are voltage, warranty and service. my 100 Watt japan luxman CD player requires a volt... 
What Is So Special About Harbeth?
Quite simply if you care about the sound of music and can hear the differences between speakers at their best you will pick the ones that sound best to you.   In my case after listening to hundreds of speakers at home, friend's places, dealers an... 
the cart or the horse?
unfortunalely your system has fundamentally poor matching synergy.   an AVR as a preamp is not a good solution for quality 2 channel sound.  i heard your amplifier and it has a most uninvolving sound. your speakers are very high efficiency inte... 
Proper thickness for platter mat Technics 1200GR(2021)
The stock mat is 3mm and it is OK.   I have also learned that many shorter cartridges will not be able to be levelled because the arm height dial runs out of travel.   I tried many mats with my GR and by far the best is the Herbies with 4mm thick... 
Who Offers a Highly Musical Preamp using a 6SN7 tube and a remote?
Cary SLP 98  
which valve amp for Forte III or Heresy III?
both of those speakers will benefit from higher tube power despite their published specs.  something KT 120 based like the Rogue Audio Stereo 100 would be awesome.    
Sutherland 20/20 W/ Lyra Delos- 58db gain vs. Rothwell SUT and 40db gain
Rephrasing anyone running a sutherland using a SUT for LOMCs? which one?  worth the cost and effort? thank u  
Speakers for daughter
wharfdale 12.1 triangle borea br-02  
Rouge Audio RP-7
The RP-5 was the best sounding between the others I owned- the RH-5 and the RP-7.   The RH-5 Headphone / Linestage was the best value with balanced connections and had the best dynamics and was exceedingly transparent and neutral.   The RP-7 was... 
Making speakers sound tonally similar with an equalizer
Krell KCT versus Cary SLP-98
Chromecast audio sucks.  No offense.    
Tube integrated amps -- new Value Leaders?
At just over $3K the Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum III continues to be a high value audiophile tube integrated solution.   KT120, 100 WPC power that allows more speaker and room flexibility and an out of the box sound that is open, transparent and hi... 
Line Stage Preamps that blew you away $2500 Edition
looks nice but no gain, no thanks.