Responses from b_limo
Parasound Z DAC Has anyone else out there heard this dac yet? I'd use two words to describe the sound that I've never used to describe my system before because I thought they were cliche, but it sounds crisp and squeaky clean, in a good way. I'm really liking it.... | |
Musical Fidelity? Hey clemis, if I ever see my v-dacii again, I'll make you a good deal on it and the Pangea p-100. | |
SUBWOOFER x OVER Did you order the 1000? Nice speakers by the way. I think a sub will fill in the bottom end and that you'll be really happy. Try centering your sub, run your speakers full range, cross your sub over at 40-60 hz and don't turn your sub up too loud.... | |
Anyone ever think about building a dedicated room? Shakey, that's the plan in the long run but for now, it would be nice if I could build a freestanding structure in the backyard that could later be a shed, or whatever. If I could do it for a few grand, it might be worth it to me. The apartment, o... | |
SUBWOOFER x OVER Nice, Yogiboy! I have an svs sub also and love it. Svs makes great subs. What are your main speakers and how big is your room and how much bass do you want? I like to run my paradigm studio 20's full range, not crossed over, and I set the crossove... | |
Anyone ever think about building a dedicated room? The family that owns the house has become like family to us also. There lot is probably between three to five acres in the forest. I was wondering how much it might cost to just build a shed type structure that I could use as an audio room and the... | |
SUBWOOFER x OVER It sounds like to me that the unfiltered high pass is implying that it doesn't implement a crossover for your main speakers. I've found it's best to cross your sub over as low as possible (40hz-60hz) and center your sub in between your speakers. W... | |
Trying to choose between 3 DAC's Check out the parasound z dac. | |
Anyone ever think about building a dedicated room? Lol, uh thanks, I think. I knew I could count on you guys for your wisdom. I think I'll be packing up my rig for safe keeping and buying a back up system that I don't really care if, and when, it gets knocked over or peed on by a completely loved ... | |
CD player distortion on all CDs Lol, I fix most things with a hammer and some duct tape. | |
Musical Fidelity Authorized Repair Location I think I'm just going to look for a new dac and then sell mine when, and if, I ever see it again. I'm not nearly as patient as the most of you. I'm freakin out after two months. You guys are waiting patiently after 6 months, and someone else afte... | |
Paradigm 100 vs BW CM9 vs Aperion Verus vs KEFQ900 I have studio 20's and it's been a love / hate relationship. If you go paradigm, make sure the rest of your gear is laid back and have plenty of power, otherwise they will be bright bordering harsh. I finally got mine to sound right after I got th... | |
Musical Fidelity Authorized Repair Location 6 months? Dude, I feel for you. | |
Bryston 3B-ST vs. Musical Design D-140 Nevermind, bryston sold already. | |
Musical Fidelity Authorized Repair Location Just like to add that you can call musical fidelities support line direct, between the hours of 1-3 m-f there time, which is between 6-8 am my time. It's 7 am and I just called there number. It rang 15 times, then went to a generic verizon voice m... |