Responses from bartokfan
Contribute to best speaker count. Seas Thor'sBest overall in my 30 yrs of testing.Sure its a kit, that takes a very good solder gun + a friend to help out.If I can figure out the solder points, anyone can.I had Richard Grey (Power Conditioner designer) make the solder points, he d... | |
Schnittke / Pettersson 2 late 20th century master Rushton, I have found both the Segerstam/BIS very good, with the CPO series to be near equal. In fact comparing the 2 make a pointless case. Segerstam takes a more civil approach, CPO more gutsy. I have accepted Segerstam's handling only til recen... | |
Jadis Orchestra Reference SE and DA-50 Integrateds Joe, I'm sold on the EL34's. Can you provide a link or know of a seller that can help me?Email me if you care.Also can you help me out with replacing the 4 6992's in my Cayin 17 cdp. I'm really looking forward to the EL34's. Should be just the thi... | |
Jadis Orchestra Reference SE and DA-50 Integrateds Just gor off the phone with Richard Grey, he is doing OK. Richard rode the storm out at his house uptown new orleans, off Carrollton.His house had damage from a fallen tree and his business had very little damage. I was very gald this great guy ma... | |
Jadis Orchestra Reference SE and DA-50 Integrateds JoeThough I don't like to change out tubes, cause as you know there is a trade off. However you do may the comment in the "coldness" of the JOR with the KT90's. Now folks reading this may not understand that the JOR with the KT90's is a very nice ... | |
Jadis Orch Ref vs opera consonance m100plus With all the fine compliments the JOR has received lately , I'm sure you will not find one for less than...$1500 USD/rated 9. If its 4 yrs or older /rated 8, then I'd guess used at $1200. But as you say very few go up for sale. Most folks feel, if... | |
Jadis Orchestra Reference SE and DA-50 Integrateds "Bartok are you in france?"Hi JoeNo I live i n Baton Rouge. Recently displaced by hurricane Katrina, lived in Lakeview, was at home during the storm. My stereo/cds were saved, unlike many others who evacuated w/o knowing the consequences. I bought... | |
Jadis Orchestra Reference SE and DA-50 Integrateds TrejlaI'm just now taking a closer look at your post.Highly interesting and spot on.My Jadis Orch does produce quite a bit of sound volume. That is drives these 4 ohm Thors more than enough to fill this large size cathdreal ceiling room. More than... | |
Jadis Orchestra Reference SE and DA-50 Integrateds The Jadis DA88 I"m refering to. . Quite a beauty. But price?Guessing $8K.Let me reafirm the Jadis Orch Refer is fine buy at the price, $2100. Though obviously as stated Trejla, as you go up, DA30, DA60, DA88, now you are getting into fine music re... | |
Jadis Orchestra Reference SE and DA-50 Integrateds I've owned the JOR for 3 yrs now and am happy with it, for the most part.System is JOR/Cayin 17/Seas Thor's.So as you can see my digital and speakers both match the Jadis in terms of quality.The Jadis is abit bass shy, but then consider the Thors ... | |
Best undiscovered speakers on the market today ? I do love my Thor's, a kit i bought from madisound last spring, $2K/which included shipping. Had a friend solder the points to the xovers, not too difficult, but need a good/very powerful soldering gun + a little patience. definetly undiscovered j... | |
tyler linbrook signatures vs. b&w 802 I have B&W's and i have Seas Thor, same drivers as Tyler.The B&w's are way over-rated. The Brits do a great hype job, sure sold me. The Seas' drivers are the most natural sounding drivers in the world. A friend of mine has the 802's. I cou... | |
Need a CD player to match Many fine recommends above.I have the Seas' Thor's which use the same drivers as the Tyler's.I have the Cayin 15 for one year now abd she's built like a tank and sounds beautiful. Has both tube and ss outs, I use tube only. A few months ago I boug... | |
Cayin 15A and 17A Review Hi Howard, I just now see your post. I don't ck in often gere, as I see few responses to answer to.The only reason I cked this thread is to let everyone know as yet I did not get the 4 new Siemens for the 17, but will do so this week.Howard, the 1... | |
Cayin CDT 15A Tube CD Player. Advice Needed I posted a short review of the Cayin 15 vs the 17, as I have both. agree with Audiosu. The 17 gives more complexity to the music, though as I said in my review, the 15 is a very good unit.My next move is to get 4 upgrade tubes , Siemens. Might eve... |