

Responses from birdfan

Suggestions on turntable to pair with Rogue RP-7 > Finale 300B SET monos > Heresy 3's
Yeah yeah .. clarity, lack of surface noise,... all that... vinyl on a decent rig offers something different. I guess I’m different as I appreciate both for very different reasons. You sound like a man of means. But don’t drop $5k if your not sure... 
Vinyl/TT Gurus Chime in! Cartridge Decision: Rework My old Sumiko or get a new cartridge?
Thanks for the feedback @viridian!!! I think the cart was probably shot when I purchased it so I don't really know what it is capable of.  
Our Responsibility
To answer the OP’s original question, I do a few things. I work with children and teens professionally and make sure to keep a turntable in my office. Generally I usually have something spinning when they entered the room. Most haven’t ever seen s... 
Is there such a thing??-- Tube Preamp Question
Thanks all for your feedback. Removing the tv removed the problem. I also am using the low gain setting on all the speakers except the Maggie’s. Cleaned the tube sockets and tube pins as well as everything in the preamp with deoxit. It’s dead quit... 
Is there such a thing??-- Tube Preamp Question
Thanks Newbee and All. The preamp has a handy dandy gain switch which can be accessed from inside the cover. I have played with this and swapped in a range of speakers. My OB Spatial holograms certainly do magnify the problem as they are higher ef... 
turntable choice
My first TT was the Project Debut Carbon. I disagree with holomech about build quality of the uturn vs project.  The debut carbon is a simple and good sounding entry . No fuss no muss. Comes w a ortofon red which, for the money, is a solid cart.  
Small Floorstander?
They might be a little heavy for your requirements and they are certainly unique looking (some hate the ultra modern spaceship look) but a pair of used Gallo 3.1's or 3.5's. I think they weigh in at about 55-65lbs, but are small and I have little ... 
Best speakers for a Pass XA 30.5
+1 roxy54 
Do you have a defining musical moment from your early years?
I have two:1. The first time I heard a Charley Parker song at age 10. I asked to be in the band and rent a saxophone.2. School field trip to see a small symphony. As I sat in the audience i remember a strange sensation of excitement and satisfacti... 
Magnepan for Background Listening
I have both the 1.7i and the MMGs. I think as long as you have them oriented so that your casual listening is in the realm of on axis more than off, you will be delighted. Additionally, if they are on axis you will be rewarded with dynamic stabili... 
Dealers and exaggerated treble
I stopped by my local shop some months ago to give a listen to the new Paradigm Persona flagships. I was met and struck with a strident and offensive top end. Being driven with a tube integrated this should not have been an issue. The issue as I f... 
Worth of current system
Weird thread.... Here goes:I have a vintage Marantz system from the 70's which, with tuner, amp, and  my first set of hifi speakers is one of the most musical sounds in my house.. Cost= PeanutsI have another system with brand new stereo subs, new ... 
Where are the subs?
Here’s what’s  interesting to me: Your post was simply to observe and marvel. Many thoughts and recommendations on how to improve your sound with new investments, changes in system, and  and specific brand recommendations. What you are experiencin... 
Who are the Kings of Audiogon?
@erik_squires read this thread last night and mean to respond... erik is a good blend of informed, provocative, helpful, opinionated, and responsive..... asks questions that tilt the normal expected forum themes 90 degrees or so at times... apprec... 
Bought some `Vintage Gear`
...... And the System I put together for a friend: Marantz 1060 integrated, Marantz 104 tuner, Thorens 166 TT clad in all silver looks and sounds amazing.. Super musical, warm/lush whatever you want to call that sound signature. Sure it isn't Hifi...