Responses from birdies
What is the Phono stage you have finished with? Naim Superline with Dynavector XV-1s, powered by the 252 preamp. Not quite finished: there's a Supercap power supply to go. | |
Tired of Problems with Tube Equipment I find it unfortunate that so many folks seem to have to badmouth whatever format they DON'T use to validate their own choice. It's like the equally unfortunate tendency to use phraseology like "amplifier X kills amplifier Y".My own solution, I kn... | |
Can we go back to 33's please? Another factor is that some of us own turntables like the Linn LP 12 powered by a Naim Armageddon, which is not 45-capable. The new Impulse remasters seem to be at 45 only, which leaves us out of it. | |
OJC LP Reissues??? I second Rushton's post. | |
Dynavector coil repair Advising someone to vent one's disappointment on Dynavector after he basically destroyed a cartridge seems ungenerous. And I'm not so sure the repair is quite so easy as "a nominal fee, say $100" suggests. I don't mean to denigrate 80stech or Buca... | |
The Rite of Spring It's always illuminating to hear a composer's view from the podium: Stravinsky's own interpretation on Sony. Not an audiophile experience, but essential. | |
ProAc response 2 and 2 `S` I sold ProAc back in my hifi salesman days. It's been quite a while, but if memory serves, the bass/mid driver and the port were re-worked on the 2S, The changes yielded more bass, but, to my ears, lost a smidge of the speed and vocal range magic ... | |
How are Time Life cd's for sound? Haven't heard the Time/Life's. Best 50's collection I've run across is Rhino's "Loud, Fast, And Out of Control". It's out of print, but worth tracking down. You can check the set list on Amazon and they have used copies at 70 bucks. A bit pricey, ... | |
What loading do you use on your Dynavector XX2MKII I'm not familiar with your Sim unit, so I'm not sure whether my experience will be of any use to you. With Naim's Superline, which allows for a wide variety of resistive and capacitance loads, I found my best results with a 453K resistance. This p... | |
Company loyalty- What has been your favorite? Over the 15 years that I've used Naim products, reliability and service have been stellar. Sonically, the expense of each and every upgrade I've made has justified itself in clearly heightened performance. Though Naim's solutions to the challenges... | |
Duk Ellington Money Jungle - 200G Classic Records Sadly, it's poorly recorded in the first place. | |
Favorite version s of Autumn Leaves? Synthfreek: Run, don't walk, to hear Bill Evans/Scott LaFaro/Paul Motian play your obsession. The album is "Portrait In Jazz" and there are two versions---a mono and a stereo---of "Autumn Leaves". The very different takes are an object lesson in t... | |
CD Baby CD Baby is an invaluable resource. They serve to distribute the music of independent artists ignored by mainstream culture and the major label dinosaurs. By all means, do business with them. We---artists and music lovers---all benefit from CD Baby... | |
Chopin Fantasie Impromptu, Opus 66 Artur Rubinstein. Not an audiophile recording, but Rubinstein commands a "rightness" in Chopin that gets to the core of things. Good listening! | |
Best phono pre in the 500.00 price range Used One vote: Dynavector P-75 for noticeably less than $500 and the rest on LPs. From personal experience, the P-75 works well with the OC-9. Good listening! |