
Responses from bjesien

Magico A5 or Sonus faber SERAFINO TRADITION or Harbeth 40.3 XD
Try to listen to Verity Audio at that price point. Incredible holographic image and you can really tune them with amp selection. Lots of great options mentioned here.  
The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses
All the anti tweakers have just about bitten off their fingernails. The other side waits eagerly as an email to Tammy's rests in their browser. This place is going to implode. Sorry  
Belles Aria Signature and other Int Amp recommendation
I tried a Belles Aria briefly a few years ago with Devore Nines. I never connected with it. It sounded over controlled- like you could hear the amp gripping the speakers. It may have just been a bad match. The Coda is a nice amp and I regret selli... 
Silversmith Fidelium Speaker Cables
Ozzy, I appreciate your opinion on these. I find it refreshing when people take the time to tactfully post contrary positions. I sometimes do the same, and try to never to be negative, or wish a designer harm. I think like sight, we all have basic... 
Seeing sounds and music.....
Well done. Thanks for sharing. 
Is the Almarro 318B For Me?Any Others?
I had this amp with a pair of fairly easy to drive Devore Nines. I really enjoyed it. It has nice depth and a relaxing quality that made it a joy to listen to. My wife liked it too. I agree with the above that it wasn’t the most dynamic but I thin... 
Yes, I saw he does. What I meant is that it's not like shipping a pair of speakers or a 200lb amp.  
@thyname, I'm tempted to try the speaker cables you listed but I really prefer spades all around. I've owned a full loom of Nordost Frey 2 and speaker and int from Purist Audio Aqueous. I also think the A21 are good speaker cables. I downsized yea... 
Ozzy you might need to wave the magic chicken foot over it for a while. Isn’t that cord like $5k? 
High End is Dead?
1. People do care about equipment. Perhaps more than the room, or even music, so puts all manufacterers immediately on the hot seat.2. People who are successful in the audio business are working hard and have to play on the world stage because onl... 
Zu introduces Soul 6
I almost went for these but didn't want to deal with the supply chain uncertainty. Based on this review I'm glad I passed for now. The thing I would add is that after listening to many products that Steve and other guys reviewed- the reviews tend ... 
In praise of isolation.
I have a tube integrated sitting on an Ethan Allen stand. It's in our living room and fits nicely. I placed Nobsound springs under the amp and tried the Oreas as well, both with positive and different results. My question after reading this is why... 
Speaker for Line Magnetic LM 518IA in Large Room
@dkidknow pair of Proac D28 just popped up on USAM might be worth considering. Just don’t consider too long. 
Isoacoustics Orea vs Townshend Seismic Pod on Components
⬆️ This reads like a pamphlet for a singles cruise in the 80’s. 
Isoacoustics Orea vs Townshend Seismic Pod on Components
The Nobsound springs arrived yesterday and I put them under my Audio Note Cobra. This amp has been sitting on an Ethan Allen wooden cabinet, beautiful, but not an audiophile accessory. The change is pretty dramatic- more dimension, better focus, j...