
Responses from bjesien

Stock Leben Hi-Fi Power Cord
I will try to find mine.  I didn't leave it in the box.  Good advice. 
Let go of the music
@sounds_real_audio It's not easy to get across, but after listening to a speaker we should be able to predict what level of bracing it has on the inside. Typically cheaper speakers put less bracing and less thought into them.  On the other hand ma... 
Tannoy Prestige Turnberry GR Limited Edition or ProAc D 30 R o RS
I appreciate this thread because I'm considering dual concentric speakers. Can anyone talk about how they would image and present the music differently than a more narrow, inert tower design? SO mush of what we her is in the design of the box.  I ... 
Let go of the music
Haha, True- I’m a big proponent of clean power, if it matters in the system. Imo it matters less in a more resonant speaker design. 
Leben CS600 questions?
@senior54 what are you using for cables?  Mine has lots of treble. 
How to select a good Speaker Cable
I've tried several in that size and find variation in sound. One thing I have noticed which makes sense with your analysis, is larger cables tend to add brightness with low df amps. Is that a function of impedance? My ears agree with your formula ... 
How to select a good Speaker Cable
b4icu, not sure if damping factor Leben CS600. 6 foot length. Much appreciated will post results. 
Basic 12g copper speaker cables to $$$ cables.
I’ve been all the over the spectrum with cables, including a $14,000 loom of Nordost Frey 2 with the QX4 and QB8 etc. In my opinion cables are the last 10 percent that can really increase your connection to the music. They don’t need to cost as mu... 
Right speakers for big room limited to small room placement options
To get a visual, the fireplace is in the center of the wall and the speakers flank the fireplace. So speakers will be approx 10 feet from side walls correct? Would a front ported speaker fire better bass and imaging with the lack of corner/side wa... 
subwoofer advice
you need something like this to connect the amp to the sub via the speaker terminals.  Some subs have these build in. some do not. don't think... 
Can you create alerts for used gear you are interested in on Audiogon?
US Audiomart beats the pants off of Audiogon because it doesn’t bend the seller over with charges. I have a set of speakers listed on each. I’ve seen more activity through Audiomart.Check every 5 minutes. 
The survival of the fittest.
Dreams. Passion. Risk. Consistency. 
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers
I do yoga in my room with the O/93's, and so I listen at all positions. I find them pretty engaging 3 feet into the room and 5-6 feet away.  This distance probably removes some of the room reflections from the equation.  They do like to be pulled ... 
Happy Thanksgiving to All
Happy Thankgiving to all, with special attention to our military and front line men and women that keep us safe and healthy! Their courage and comittment to serving us all will be particulary noticed at our table today.  
The NAD M33 will cancel your complaints about Class D
The best experience I’ve had with class D was with a low powered unit by SPEC.  I’m curious if Atmosphere is familiar with their amps.  In the end I found I was listening less, so it got the axe.  I’ll be skeptical of class D after that sham of a ...