
Responses from brizonbiovizier

PMC speakers vs B&W... has anyone compared?
Exactly - they are voiced for pulling forward the treble for mix analysis at high volume, not for domestic use. PMC are mastering suite speakers for assessing the finsihed product therefore they have an acceptable domestic balance by definition. 
Sales training? This comment is rather revealing - so your spiel is "advanced sales training" then (advanced BS? ;-))? That would appear to be it in a nutshell. I dont work in hifi. However I do come from an engineering research background and my ... 
PMC speakers vs B&W... has anyone compared?
Abbey road and lucas films are buying into pmc instead now ;-)I find the bryston sst and krell a bit harsh but the older bryston st is much more palatable. I spend a lot of time at rock and acoustic gigs as well as classical performances. Getting ... 
No collusion - just human nature. People with vested interests are not impartial. Especially when it involves money. Hifi mags are corrupt - it has been proved in court in the UK. I also have friends "in the trade" and I am very well aware of what... 
The ATC's are sharp and ATC are always having to mouth spiel about "accuracy" and "harsh recordings" to sell them. They are designed for mix analysis - that is where atc started and where they sold to the studios. That is their history and that is... 
PMC speakers vs B&W... has anyone compared?
Three demos make a pattern - also observed by others ;-)I have no vested interest in "bashing" - just relating what I heard and why I didn't buy it. I have ehard all of the nautilus range - the smaller ones are better. 
I have a feeling you two know each other ;-). I heard both speakers in exactly the same system dem - there is no issue of a "bad dem". It was a dealer dem with both speakers at the same time and was repeated accross several dealers. Your comments ... 
PMC speakers vs B&W... has anyone compared?
Musicality is in the midband - dry = no musicality = B&W 
I dont pay attention to stereophile - hifi mags (and dealers) are a thoroughly corrupt institution. Their recommendations reflect nothing more than their advertising revenue and the clout of the advertiser. The naim cdp and pre being a moot case. ... 
PMC speakers vs B&W... has anyone compared?
Slow = big bloat bass. Dry = recessed midband. No contradiction at all. They are that way by design. Mid band recessed as optimsied for high volume level monitoring and bloated bass from the low frequency arrangement. 
I use my PMC MB2's triamped - this is a big leap forward from monoblocks. According to PMC going fully active adds about another 5-10% performance in a treated room. I plan to convert to active using a custom crossover when the warranty runs out. 
PMC speakers vs B&W... has anyone compared?
I have heard 3 dems of the N800 and each time they picked piano. A friend went to listen to them on the other side of the UK and got piano as well. They sound great on piano so B&W tell them to emphasise that skill! However on rock they sound ... 
At different dealers over quite a few years. 
PMC to Tri-Amp or Not
Agreed - seperating bass from treble and midrange makes the most difference. 
PMC speakers vs B&W... has anyone compared?
Nautilus have warm and woolly bass and have very clear colourations on female voice. They go loud but sound lumpy and uneven. Ok for classical but awful for rock. Dealers always dem with piano music on all the occasions I have listened with them (...