
Responses from celtic66

Need tube amp for Epos M12
Love those Epos. What about that new Cayin integrated Bizzy Bee and everyone else is touting? Right amount of tube power. Nice topography. For a bit more money the VTL 85 integrated will run the heck out of these. 
When your wife...
The small Acoustic Energy Aegis sub/sat system can be found used for $250, $200 for NAD C320BEE, some cables and wowsers!!! This has got to beat the Yamaha dreck. Good luck man. 
Most forgiving speakers?
Preamp recommedation
There is a used PS Audio 4.0 $165 sitting at Echo Audio (echohifi.com 888 248 ECHO) in Portland, OR. I used to sell these and they are very detailed. Killer deal. 
what style is this ?
Almost sounds like Cabaret in some respects bordering on Cotton Club. Try some Billie Holiday, Marlene Dietrich, Ivie Anderson from the era. Current artists; Patricia Barber, some Diana Krall, Holly Cole. 
Some blues suggestions
The new Eric Bibb with Maria Muldaur and Rory Block is great. Also Lucky Peterson, Trudy Lynn, Etta James, Charlie Musslewhite. 
$1130 system for a musician, please :
Assuming the $1130 is for speakers and amplifier only.Spendor S3/5 (used), Axiom M3Ti (new), Mission 72 (new). Spendors are best of lot with more detail and better treatment of vocals and strings. Bit shy on bass. Axioms are best value with more b... 
Nakamichi 505 or the Dragon ?
Most of the information is dead on. I've owned 5 Nak decks and while I've not owned the Dragon, am all too familiar with a less than dependable record. When aligned and tuned to a knat's ass it is incredible. You will not need to fidgit with the 5... 
Integrated Amp and Speakers for a teenager?
I'm guessing the DVD/CD player is budget and would suggest a quick upgrade of a small DAC like a $125 Assemblage or MSB, something better than the $3 DAC chip in most players.Next, the Brio is great or maybe Audio Refinement. Speakers could be the... 
Tivoli CD player
I respectfully disagree with the positive response given. The Tivoli products are great and I own the PAL and Model One. However, dealers have expressed to me their disappointment with the CD player in comparison with the other products offered. I... 
blues recommendation
Doug McCleod, Lucky Peterson, Trudy Lynn 
compact bookshelf speaker for my system
JM Lab Chorus 705 is much better than the Epos for same money and I like Epos, but...... 
Building new system with 1 thorny problem - HELP
Jeffrey,Sorry. Your aunt. 
Building new system with 1 thorny problem - HELP
Jeffrey,Whew!! It's your grandmother!! I've done this gig oft enough for the geriatric crowd and convenience rules over sound. Truly, a decent changer (Parasound, NAD 515) with a decent DAC (Assemblage, MSB) with Toslink will do quite nicely. A re... 
Amplifier For Martin Logan CLSIIZ?
VTL run in triode will sound best.