
Responses from celtic66

Shipping company for speakers- any good or bad one
I shipped Greyhound a pair of Reference 3A L'Integrales from Boise, ID to Moscow, ID at 100 lbs. for $60 and it was overnight. Arrived perfectly. UPS had refused to ship in original factory boxes. 
Madrigal is Closed
The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!!! 
Surprisingly good shipping option
Another option for larger speakers and often overnight with cheaper prices and good results is Greyhound. Used them and have experienced no problems. 
Need some audiogon expertise
Cables and interconnects are the place to start. 
I need a female jazz vocalist. No Krall, No Norah
Jackie Allen, Mary Stallings, Holly Cole, Karyn Allison. 
Beginners Tube Amp Recommendations
My wife's system has the Luxman 491 integrated hybrid which is not the ultimate in definition, but sounds very nice and holds its own with power solidly at 90wpc. We changed the stock tubes to RCAs and hardwired an LAT International PC and it soun... 
How did you get into this hobby?
Trapped in the cultural pergatory of Wyoming in the 70s with one, yes one!! AM radio station playing only sunrise to sunset the best of George Jones and Tammy Wynette I HAD to get into this hobby. My jazz instructor in a former life played all the... 
What was your greatest epiphany?
A $150 NAD belt drive table taking out a $1200 Denon table with blacker background, better soundstage and open detailed reproduction. Ouch!! 
Do You Remember Your First Music Purchase?
Buddy Rich, "Rich in London". 
Recommend speakers for a strange move
Totem Sttaf with 12" foot print and great sound. 
Tough Speaker choice, Please look and comment
Just listened to the Audio Physics line with various styles of music and was very favorably impressed. 
Where can I get a Luxman receiver serviced?
Doug Siegel Audio Specialties Portland, OR 503 257 3206. He has my Luxman 1120A right now and just finished a friend's 580 integrated. 
what is a good sound stage suppose to sound like?
Think soundstage is suspension of musicians and vocalists away from the transducers. The equipment falls away and leaves the experience as if you were in a club or in front of that large stage. 
Tube Integrated
What about the VTL 85 integrated for $1150 on the 'Gon. That's a great piece. Check into the new Kora integrated for $1,000 which could be a real sleeper. 
do, mfsl, dcc or gold cds really sound better?
Generally, these are superior. However, if the master tapes are bad to start with, not much can be done to improve. I have several mofi of jazz and have yet to be disappointed when comparing directly with the redbook copy.