Responses from celtic66
source disappointment You need at least 2 weeks of listening to determine anything. Besides, the Audio Note can't be broken in by now and I'll bet it will come around be the unit you expected. | |
$1000 HT System? Can it be done? I have a friend named Guido from the Bronx, he knows how to beat the $1,000 limit. | |
Hlp - my bookshelf spkr is like humpty dumpty Office Depot sells cheap blue tacky stuff which when placed under the speaker corners and pressed down will certainly keep the speakers in place. Also improves the sound. | |
optical or coaxial audio cable? Experiment. I've found Toslink very superior to coaxial in one system using an Assemblage DAC. More open with cleaner bottom end. I use a Nordost XLR in another system. Good luck. | |
Need speaker suggestions please Spendors or DiCapos with great sound staging, quickness and oh those vocals. | |
Building the Best "Used" Budget System under $3000 Used: Audio Refinement Complete integrated and CD player, Rega 25 TT w/Benz Glider cart., ATC SCM 7 monitors. | |
few questions about classic 70's recievers Luxman made the best sounding late 70s receivers with great tuner sections and musical amplification. Good luck. | |
Spica TC 50 Question s Something like Audioquest Type 6 or CV 6 will improve many things here including much better bass. I would also consider re-doing the crossover with better parts and rewiring internally. I've done a pair of TC-50s and the results were astounding. ... | |
Best small speaker ATC SCM 7, ATC SCM 7, ATC SCM 7........... | |
OKAY...your 10 or so favorite recordings please Ry Cooder "Jazz", electic, well recorded.Nightnoise "Shadow of Time", great music, great recording.Ella and Louis Again MFSL, do you have to ask?Sammy Davis Jr./ Laurindo Almeida, very open.Johnny Adams "The Verdict", astonishing vocal recording.J... | |
Jazz/blues guitarist suggestions for SRV fan. Popa Chubby, Tab Benoit. | |
Decent starter cables? Best buys are Audioquest Type 6 or Type 6 CV speaker cable, Wire World interconnect. | |
Where does that hiss on the master come from? South Philly. No, really. Hissing occurs in the upper registers and usually means the recording has beeen mostly left alone allowing a more natural sound in that region. Vocals are more natural, symbals ring truer, an openess occurs surpressed by ... | |
Jazz suggestions please Go online and listen to KPLU.org from Tacoma, WA and KUAZ from Tucson, AZ. Best and fastest education as they will play the artists you mentioned AND tell you which albums. | |
what's my problem? Audioquest Type 6 or better, Wire World IC and you're on your way. |