
Responses from celtic66

Starting out
Antique Sound Labs does very nice work for reasonable money. I believe they still offer an integrated with phono for under a $1,000 
Recommend upgrade for NAD C541
I've spoken with a dealer handling both NAD and Arcam and she states the Arcam 62 for $100 is significantly better than the NAD. You can go from there. 
Yoiks, I'm amplifier confused.
Here goes. Keep the CDP. Find an outboard DAC as the transport is very decent. Any of the tube amplifier choices are very good. Stick with Rogue if you like the preamp. I listen to a lot of acoustic jazz and run VTL TT-25s if that helps. Very good... 
Monitors $1,000 to $2,000?
The ATC SCM 12s are outrageous and will best anything I've heard in that price range. Nearly as quick as electrostatics with great vocals. Please add to list. 
speaker stand question
Mission 72s are identical as are many of the Mission speakers and I find not ill effects from placing on 24" stands. Of course expermintation is always best. 
++++StereoPhile Class A components+++++
When you absolutely, positively have to know, then whenever possible go listen for yourself. There is some dreadful highly touted equipment out there. A friend is always reading reviews to me and convinced something new is the hottest. Sometimes y... 
The British speaker sound: Tannoy, Harbeth, etc...
I've owned several British speakers and recently come to love the small Spendors and the ATC SCM 7s and SCM 12s as most open, detailed and simply musical. 
Best Jimmy SMith/organ masters.....
Further Adventures of Jimmy and Wes. 
Shipping between Canada and the States
My understanding and experience is that USPS is best as UPS always uses a broker and charges often around $50 per transaction. I've paid this before with speakers coming from Canada. 
$10 / foot speaker wire
Audioquest Slate is somewhat smoother than Type 6 which is also very nice. Audio Atlanta was offering older stock for $6/ft. Good deal. 
Advice on Totem model ones
I agree with previous postings. The Totems are quite good, but only when preceded by great source and power. They reveal deficencies in the front end. 
low cost integrated amp for newbie
I've already seen the NAD C320BEE used for $300 on Audiogon. This is a no-brainer. Simple, easy to find and cheap. If you upgrade later will be easy to sell. Go man!! 
what's the best "mini monior" these days
ATC SCM 7s and SCM 12s. These are simply amazing and I would put them up against just any passive cone speaker for dynamics, soundstage and imaging in their price range of $1100/pr. and $2,200/pr. Vocals are truly natural. The smaller SCM 7s blew ... 
Tips needed for best FM reception
Magnum Dynalab for omnidirectional beaten soundly by the Reflect (ccrane.com) for unidirectional. Own both. 
speaker recommendation
Axiom floorstanders should be considered. Particularly since you can return them within 30 days.