Responses from coltrane1
Enough is Enough 1. A dealers job is to attempt to sell you something 2. Ignore dealers | |
Open baffle speakers ^ Whoo-hooooo! Nice!!! | |
Open baffle speakers @yyzsantabarbara there are tons of low watt tube amps. The amp I use is an Inspire by Dennis Had. They’re 12 watts a channel. | |
Ayon Triton Evo Integrated @mfisher702 by all means, I’d love to have that Ayon simply for the pure joy of having so much tube power on hand! | |
Jazz for aficionados | |
Music Hall Classic Turntable I’ve got an Ortofon Blue cartridge that I’ll give you if that would be an upgrade for you. | |
An integrated bargain? @jkf011 I’m with you! $11k??? GULP! | |
Ayon Triton Evo Integrated Everyone concerned about heat? It’s wintertime. Let’s PARTY! Congratulations on your acquisition of a piece of stellar gear! Aren’t those OB’s?! Why so do you need so much power? Most OB’s I know only require a small tube amp to drive them. | |
New York City Audio/Hifi Bars and Cafes Audio bars?! It’s NYC! Go out and listen to some live jazz at the Village Vanguard, or the Blue Note. It’s one of the few places in the USA that features live jazz every night. Well, that’s what I’d do. Dress up, and go out! | |
Are new Mark Levinson Preamps better than old? More Primaluna gear. Yes! | |
Any regrets in selling gear? I’ve probably sold more gear than the average person here. But I do miss my Class A A/B Plinius amp. They don’t make them like that anymore. | |
Seeking speakers under $3K for 10x12 ft room and driven by 20wpc tube amp These! And solid wood, no MDF. | |
Open baffle speakers @yyzsantabarbara You should be able to acquire an OB for the price of a used Coda 16. I paid $3k for these with a 15” woofer and sub designed specifically for OB’s. And they were made with zero MDF. They’re solid Sapale, commonly used as a Rosewoo... | |
FYI There is no "Upgraded" or "V2" Willsenton R8 Regardless, Willsenton created the R8. They’re not obliged to advise anyone about updates. Many of us purchased this amplifier brand new for $800. We got our money’s worth in enjoyment and then some. People around the world were excited to have a ... | |
Willsenton R35i Integrated Amp with EL34 tubes Have you tried the amp with KT66 or KT77 tubes? |