
Responses from dan_ed

Amp Upgrade for Aerial 10t's
I'm not stuck on specs, I'm an EE.Guys, I'm not saying you can't run the 10t's on 40-50 watts. What I'm saying is that these speakers have a nominal impedance of 4 ohm, which means they can drop really, really low under the right conditions. You d... 
Amp Upgrade for Aerial 10t's
I would be seriously concerned driving 10t's on 50 wpc. They'll clip that amp before you even know it. Please be careful with the volume. 
V=IR, Db=20 log V1/V2 , Bat 51SE
I think you are correct. Since we're talking power it should be 20 log V/V, but it's been a long time for me as well. :)I would say that 1.8 dB down at 20Hz is pretty damn good. Can your speakers even go to 20Hz? The more important question is can... 
concrete vs. wood listening room
Hi Capt369,I've been living with my listening room for over 4 years. It is in a finished basement. Carpet over concrete, two sides frame and drywall over concrete block, the rest are frame and drywall. It is also an L-shaped room, which does prese... 
Speakers for metal, hard rock ... also SS amp
Without at doubt. A used pair of Aerial 10t's paired with some quality ss amps will be exactly what you're looking for. You can usually find these for $2.5K to $3K used. Then pick up a pair of used amps, like the Classe mentioned above, that will ... 
Amp Upgrade for Aerial 10t's
I drove my 10t's for several years with a pair of Classe CA-301s. I take it you're using yours in a HT system so maybe you want to get the best LF slam you can. In my experience with the 10t's they need all of the quality power they can get. 250-3... 
Who is Nick Doshi?
Randyk, if you go to Yahoo groups and search for alaapaudio you find a picture of one of Nick's components. That's the only picture I could find that is easily accessible.Nick also does mods to Lectron JH50 amplifiers. I thought that would be easy... 
Who is Nick Doshi?
Photo? Is that like, "show me a picture so I can hear how it sounds" ? :) 
VTA and 180 gram vinyl
I know what you have to go through to adjust VTA, Billbo. I used to own a MMF 7. Enjoy,Dan 
VTA and 180 gram vinyl
You can try swapping or adding mats. That is certainly an option. But don't be surprised if some of the 180's still sound kind'a off. Many times it really is the record. 
Paradigm Studio- 40s, 60s, or 100s
I will agree with the others that the 100 is not the best sounding, but I do like the 60's in my HT setup. I also use a sub. My room is 15x25x8. 
Anybody tried 20th Anniversary Purist cables?
Chris,Have you contacted Albert Porter? He may be able to get you some to audition.Best of luck,Dan_ed 
What early 70's rock bands had violins?
Ponty wishes he was Stephane Grappelli. :) 
TT/cart that doesn't pick up motor hum
I agree that Jaybo's suggestion is the quickest way to get rid of the hum, if that is all you are concerned about. If you are happy with the mmf 5 then changing out the grado should do the trick. They are known to cause the same problem with rega ... 
TT/cart that doesn't pick up motor hum
You would be happier with the mmf 7 since the motor is far enough away from the cartridge to prevent the pickup of motor noise. And, your idea of selling the mmf 5 to upgrade your phono stage is pretty good. There are mods available for technics.