Responses from dan_ed
Conservative Politics & Rock Music You almost have me pegged, Boa2. :) Given a choice I will by-pass Cracker Barrel for any place that has real farm fresh breakfast food. I used to listen to Rush but stopped after the entertainment value of it wained. He did help me to realize I'm ... | |
Who is Nick Doshi? I'll second Cello's comment and add that what you hear about Nick's work is true. Just a few hours of listening and comparing with other preamps was enough to convice me. Thanks to Doug Deacon, I was fortunate enough to get my order (I'm going to ... | |
Who is Nick Doshi? He is the one whose name cannot be spoken. Those who wish to remain physically in one piece dare not mention that name. Actually, he is not one person, but a manifestation of many private elves who work in a somewhat cool place far to the north.So... | |
Conservative Politics & Rock Music This is pretty much all bullshit. Rock and roll first was used by the black community as a phrase for what many of us white folk have come to know as the horizontal bop. So, I say the best rock is that which appeals to our basic human drive for se... | |
Help with 33 ga Tonearm Wire Brad, I just used a tube of flux I bought at Rat Shack. | |
Teres, Galibier and Redpoint Mike, thanks for sharing your experiences from the early days! That was most enjoyable reading from the perspective of receiving a "new born". Interesting that I was just talking with my wife about how I could easily pass this table on to my son (... | |
Teres, Galibier and Redpoint When I read about the meltdown at Doug's I couldn't help but image some poor schmuck audio dude who caught just a glimpse of nirvana right before the Three Mile Island melt down. Morbid, yeah, but funny in a whacked sort of way. | |
Teres, Galibier and Redpoint HaHa! Bob, we have met in the past! I bet I can still drive right to your door. We are very close indeed and we should get together for some listening sessions. Do you still have your Basis? I have progressed more into the music you enjoy so I'm s... | |
packing a turntable for shipping You're on the right track. I would suggest sending an email to Thom Mackris (same username, just hyphenate it) of Galibier fame. I believe he used to own that same table and I'm sure he has table shipping experience. :)Best of luck,Dan | |
Help me make the best arm-cartridge matches Given your unfortunate circumstances, I'd be inclined to try something like a Kuzma air bearing arm. But that's just me. :)Best of luck to you,Dan | |
Teres, Galibier and Redpoint Hi Nick! Yes, I remember Doug bragging about how he put a hurtin' on you once. :) | |
Teres, Galibier and Redpoint Obewan, please forgive the transgression of one who is but a wee nematode on the path to audio enlightenment! Now if I can just find that extra $12K I had lying around. . . | |
Best Record Cleaning Machine:$700-$800 range The best RCM in this price range is to make your own. This can be done for under $100 and will work as good if not better than the commercial RDM's in this price range. If this is not an option for you then I'd say pick up a VPI 16.5. The VPI 17 i... | |
Help with 33 ga Tonearm Wire Is this the Litz wire? I re-wired an arm once with that and found that I got pretty good results by burning the insulation off (40 watt iron) and then applying a generous amount of flux to the end of the wire before tinning. I also used an alligat... | |
any Dream Theater listeners out there? They certainly don't get the attention they deserve, but what rock bands do these days. Technically they are near perfection but I do think their material has been somewhat hit and miss with passed albums. Liquid Tension is also very much worth gi... |