Responses from daveyf
Nordost Frey interconnect hum Xti16, I have heard the Frey 2 ic's but not the speaker cables. I think the Tyr ic's are still superior to the Frey 2 ic's. Happy with my Frey sc's...for now:0) | |
Nordost Frey interconnect hum Xti16, I too have the Frey sc's and am also using Tyr ic's. I think this is a great combo. | |
Nordost Frey interconnect hum Bo1972, I used to own Highwire cables which replaced Audioquest cables. The Nordost are FAR more resolving than either cable. Not sure what your your system consists of, BUT in my system, the differences are easy to hear. The Nordost cables are fa... | |
Linn LP12 vs. VPI Classic 1 and 3 Theo, I am of the same opinion as you. The upgrade path for the Linn is not IMO cost effective at all. I'm not tied to the VPI's, but they do seem to be easy to source and I have heard great things about the Classic 3 and 4. When I heard the Class... | |
Linn LP12 vs. VPI Classic 1 and 3 Pani, I have to disagree with you. The VPI's and the Linn's are there to recreate the most accurate sound off the record. Simply by listening to the two, I believe one can formulate which is the more accurate and realistic to the "live". After all... | |
Nordost Frey interconnect hum Bo1972, you think the Red Dawn rev2 and Baldur are better than the Frey cables?? I have Red Dawn rev2 and Frey and Tyr in my system and I can tell you the Red Dawn's are at the bottom of the heap. Red Dawn rev2 is a good cable, particularly for th... | |
Review: Audio Research D-70 mkII Tube amp Chris, Naturally I haven't heard all of the ARC pieces over the years. However, of the one's that I am familiar with, only the Ref 150 and the bigger Ref 250 have been significantly superior to the D70Mk2. In my system, both of the Ref amps have c... | |
Review: Sonus Faber Guarnieri Homage Speaker Made2trade, I have NOT heard the ARCAM 600, but if it has enough power...100 watts or more, should work with the GH's. I suspect that the GH's will outclass the ARCAM, but you can always upgrade that later to a nice tube amp or ? Go for the GH's, ... | |
SF EXTREMA vs SF Cremona M Elipsa's vs. Extrema's is a very interesting trade. If you need a speaker with more ability in the bottom end, I would go with the Elipsa's. However, not at any kind of uppricing.OTOH,some of this would depend on the condition of your Extrema's. Y... | |
Review: Audio Research D-70 mkII Tube amp Chris, interesting remembrances of your D70. Basically agree with your thoughts, except I do not think that ALL of the later ARC products are more refined and better sounding. A few are, but IMO only a few. For instance, as I stated in the OP, the... | |
CONVERGENT SL 1 MKIII Not too low an output and the one that suits your ears the best. | |
Any Mark Knopfler Fans Out There? BIG TIME MK fan here. IMHO, Mark is one of the top guitar players alive today. All of his work is superb. | |
Audio Research tube amps and REL subs Philb7777, I had the same question as you when I was going to hook up my REL T5 to my ARC D70Mk2. I'm not sure if your amps use the 4ohm tap as a ground, BUT assuming that they do...this is what I was told at ARC to do..Hook up the red cable to th... | |
Rowland Model 5, upgrade to Model 8/8ti Billspecfoc, maybe I can give you a little insight. I own a model 8 with choke and I have heard the model 5 on several occasions. The difference between the two isn't minor. The 8 has tremendous bass definition, while the 5 is in no way weak in th... | |
Fremer lays an Ostrich egg... IMO, the review that MF gave to the ML52's is one of his best ever. For some "unknown reason", when I read a review in any of the high end mags, I get VERY tired of reading the same old drivel about how wonderful the piece under review is and how ... |