

Responses from daveyf

Fremer lays an Ostrich egg...
This thread is a real puzzler. On the face of it,the OP seems to be saying that he has a different opinion of the sound of his ML amps than MF's review in the latest S'phile. Or, he is upset and cannot accept the review that MF wrote. Either way, ... 
Tube Rolling and the Quest for "perfect sound"
Bicycle man, When you finally get a CAT, roll in some NOS tubes...you'll really like what the preamp sounds like once you have done that..I know I did.I have heard a lot of preamps, both ss and tubes, and with rolled in tubes the CAT still RULES, ... 
CAT SL1 vs Modwright LS 36.5
Bombaywalla, try tube rolling into the phono stage..I know it's pricey, BUT I think you'll really like it, I know I did. BIG gains in overall imaging, better top to bottom coherence, more air on top and a lot more foundation in the bottom end. Lik... 
CAT SL1 vs Modwright LS 36.5
Clarrie, just to complete my thoughts on this thread, I would HIGHLY recommend that you listen for yourself to the CAT and any other preamp you are considering. Preferably in your own system. Clearly, my experience and the other posters on this th... 
CAT SL1 vs Modwright LS 36.5
Rfogel8 and Charles1dad, when it comes to the CAT preamp, all I can say is clearly YMMV. I stand by what I said about the MP-1 ( which was a fairly recent version)...BTW, are you guys using anything BUT digital as the front end, because IF you are... 
CAT SL1 vs Modwright LS 36.5
Charles1dad, you say that the CAT is "good and depending on system make up and matching can sound very good". What systems and match-ups have you heard it in? Sounds like not even close to what it can actually do. Plus you say the CAT has a lean t... 
CAT SL1 vs Modwright LS 36.5
Jwm, I have heard the MP-1 on several occasions. IF you like a more diffuse and colored presentation, then yes, I would agree with you. OTOH,IF you prefer accuracy to source and a more dynamic presentation, then the CAT is IMO better. BTW, my ears... 
CAT SL1 vs Modwright LS 36.5
Don't agree with Rfogel18 at all. The CAT is in another league to most all preamps out there. To bring it up several notches, tube rolling is what I found to really make it sing. IMHO, the Modwright isn't in the same league at all vs. the CAT. Add... 
Anyone try Supra LoRad 2.5 PCs?
Soix, I haven't tried the Lorad on any other component. All of my other gear uses 15 amp iec's and I have dedicated power cords for those pieces.Compared to the Diamondback, the Lorad was a lot quieter and seemed to bring the bottom end to life mo... 
Do you leave the Jeff Rowland Amp on all the time
Marty, what model do you own? As an model 8 owner, I can tell you that this amp was designed to be in 'idle' mode until the front switch is depressed, which takes the amp into full-on mode. The thinking is to have the circuit active at all times i... 
Anyone try Supra LoRad 2.5 PCs?
Soix, my Rowland puts out 250 watts/ch. Can do 25 watts/ch pure class A and therefore it draws.. the Lorad works VERY well with this amp ( make sure you get the Lorad 2.5 and NOT the smaller version). BTW, the amp needs a 20 amp iec and the Wattga... 
Anyone hear SF Venere's? Thougts?
Livin, I think the SF Venere's would most likely be a nice step-up from your Hales. My experience with SF's is that they do need a good power amp with some ability to drive them up stream. I don't think some of the single ended flea power amps nee... 
Innersound Electrostatic amp driving Quad esl 57's
You may want to try an ARC D70 Mk2. I own one and it's a wonderful tube amp. I'm pretty sure that David Chesky uses this amp to drive Quads. 
Anyone try Supra LoRad 2.5 PCs?
Soix, I'm using a Lorad 2.5 attached to my Rowland model 8. It's an excellent power cord and far superior to the Shunyata Diamondback that I was using before. However,I do think it is important to use a better plug than what Supra offers...in my c... 
NOS KT 88s or GE 6550s
Hifigeek1, I trust the Richardson 6550's weren't GE branded, or??