
Responses from dill

Custom Termination of IC cables
? for ya, Al
Who is Al? 
I've been gifted a pair of Thiel CS2s
Your room is way too small for those speakers. 
motor for simply physics turntable
Contact Rick at: http://www.simphys.com/ 
Small speaker suggestions
You might consider the Silverline Prelude. Small footprint, full sound and easy to drive. Should be able to find a used pair for $700.00 or so. 
Simply Physics interconnects
Very good cables, especially, the Byteline digital interconnects and isolation devices. 
4ohm or 8ohm on B&W CDM-7nt?
Your speakers are 8 ohms, use the 8 ohm taps from your amp. 
Advise on Mcintosh mc40
The AudioGon Blue Book list the average price at $620.00 each, check the closed items on eBay and maybe do a national Craigslist search. I would have the amps checked out and re-capped by a good tech, like Pat at Classic Tube Audio - http://classi... 
stripped allen wrench screws
Take a philips screwdriver and gently tap the end with a hammer, drive the tip into the allen opening and try to create new grooves or a cross pattern that will grip the tip of the screwdriver enough to unscew it. 
What amps use the KT120 tubes?
Bob Carver - Black Beauty Monoblocks - See the new Musicdirect catalog for these. 
On a mission for more BASS
It really is more dependent on the size of your listening room. For really big bass, you need a BIG room. 
Cleaning and Maintenance of Connections.....
In addition to DeOxit & Pro Gold, Flitz metal polish works great for power cords, copper spade lugs & binding posts. 
Do you understand your amplifier?
My problem is, my amplifier doesn't understand me! 
Preamp Recommendation for Pass Aleph Amp
I agree with Driver, loved my Aleph 3 with the Aleph P and connect them using balanced interconnects, since you have that option with the O. 
Want new phono amp, what should I buy?
Go with a Pass phono stage.