Responses from dougdeacon
Replace VPI TNT rubber belt with nylon thread Ah... cryo treatment. Another great tweak! | |
Upgrade for users of 1/2" mylar belt Tim,I just noticed the question at the end of your last post. The LP I described above (which Paul calls my "la-dee-dah record") is this one:‘Les Plaisirs de la Renaissance’ (Harmonia Mundi, HMU 963) There are many such recordings on the (French) ... | |
Replace VPI TNT rubber belt with nylon thread Mylar tape (even without the special treatment I described on that thread) performs far better than rubbery belts, silk thread, dental floss, recording tape, vcr tape, spiderweb fibers or anything else we've tried.BUT, the motor's capstan and the ... | |
Remove your bias for better sound What I hear is a "freedom", and suspect that the constant force of the anti-bias is damping the stylus. Bingo. A concise distillation of the long-winded explanations I've been posting for years, including my first post above. | |
Remove your bias for better sound Dover, Thanks for the alternate view... very useful insights on the competing forces at work here. I'll defer to anyone with a real understanding of physics as to how the forces net out. In anecdotal terms, I've played with zero A/S on my Triplana... | |
Remove your bias for better sound Almarg,First, a correction if I may: playing with zero A/S will not cause a cantilever to deflect toward the outer edge of the record. Think about it. Groove friction pulls a cantilever along the line of its own axis (subject to minor variances in... | |
Using the VPI threaded clamp and azimuth change I DON'T have a VPI but I DO use a washer and a threaded clamp! | |
Review: ZYX UNIverse II Cartridge Albert, I know you had some time with the original UNIverse (Cello's, I think). You've also had the UNIverse II in house?Good input in any event and good advice on auditioning both (preferably in the same system). This is indeed expensive territor... | |
Review: ZYX UNIverse II Cartridge Hfisher, Just glanced at your system and - surprise! - you've got speakers I've always wanted to hear... Coincidents. After hearing our B&W diamonds it's hard to listen to most dynamic cone tweeters. They're just too sludgy. The idea of having... | |
questions on zyx airy 1000 Gilles! I use a Jean Hiraga designed amplifier (Lectron JH-50). Heavily modded and upgraded by Nick Doshi. Easily the best amp I've heard in its power class. | |
Review: ZYX UNIverse II Cartridge Thanks all for your thoughtful words. They are appreciated.Disagreement is what keeps audio interesting.Audio is not especially interesting. Music is. Audio is merely a poor means to a rich end. | |
questions on zyx airy 1000 Jwm, I just posted our short review of the UNI II (click Reviews beneath my signature). In brief, it does everything the UNI I did at least as well, mostly better. No drawbacks at all. Additionally, it has the heft of the 4D that pleases rock and ... | |
Review: ZYX UNIverse II Cartridge Dennis, You summed up in one sentence what we tried to say in several paragraphs: the UNIverse II combines the best sonic traits of the Atmos and UNIverse I into a single cartridge without diminishing any of them. Glad you have a chance to enjoy. | |
Review: ZYX UNIverse II Cartridge Thank you, Albert. Our sonic tastes do inded differ, but in audio as in politics, that needn't preclude friendship or gentlemanly conduct.Don_c55, To address your one substantive question, we described the physical differences between UNI2, UNI1 a... | |
questions on zyx airy 1000 Gilles,I own (and love) all 45 boxes of Harnoncourt's Bach cantatas. I played them with my Airy 3 before upgrading to UNIverse and (just in the last month) UNIverse II.ZYX cartridges are better than most at keeping choral and orchestral voices sep... |