
Responses from dougdeacon

The Weavers Reunion at Carnegie Hall -1963 new LP
Well, it could be that you're playing CD's on a $20K reference level digital front end while playing LP's on a dusty, plastic Garrard record changer from 1963 that you snagged for $20 in a garage sale.Or it could be something else... 
Table/Cart Set Up - By Ear or Test Record?
Orpheus, Music is indeed subjective. From the same performance you may get a boogie while I get a blah, or vice-versa. ;-)It does indeed follow that adjusting a vinyl rig to make music sound "better" would be highly idiosyncratic, perhaps not even... 
denon dl 103 w/ origin live silver mk II: help
Not that it necessarily addresses the "shrill, sibilant and fatiguing" sound you reported in your original post, but any OL Silver owner using a low-medium compliance cartridge (including specifically the DL 103) owes it to him/herself to try the ... 
Silly turntable question
Some of you have given me powerful arguements for further thinking...........;)ROFLMAO!!! I'd hire you to fix my car... if I had a spare car. 
Electronic stylus force gauge question
Moonglum,Your assumption that, "Actus is experienced enough to know whether he needs to go plus or minus 1/100th of a gram", is belied by his own words. He clearly stated that he has no intention of doing so. I often find it helpful to read what p... 
Silly turntable question
Peter, the OP is thinking of moving from 9" SME V to 12" SME 312. That's quite different from the move you made and less likely to be a clear step upward. Regardless of length, the 3xx series is not in the same league as the IV/V series. 
Silly turntable question
But Whart, Elizabeth merely stated the truth. The OP has in fact been contemplating without implementing for years. I have a new SME-V for it that I bought about 6 years ago... It's not even set up yet, let alone having been listened to... Now, I'... 
Table/Cart Set Up - By Ear or Test Record?
Do you not think that the cartridge designers know that the pivoting tonearm has only two tangency points? Look at the stylus designs. The have curved faces to allow for the changing angle through the arc of the pivot. I don't see a pivoting tonea... 
Electronic stylus force gauge question
My apologies if my post came across as patronizing. I did attempt (not so successfully) to acknowledge what you just said, that, "Many of us just want to set our system up and listen to music, not tweak it for every record."The last bit of my post... 
Table/Cart Set Up - By Ear or Test Record?
Actusreus, on any tonearm I know of the VTA tower is designed to move straight up and down, subject only to random variations in the threads. I'm unaware of any tonearm with a VTA tower designed to move on an arc with a radius matching the arm's e... 
Tonearm mounting differences Graham vs.Tri-Planar.
One of the best? At its price point I'd say yes.Syntax has compared Tri-P vs. Graham Phantom using a UNIverse. I believe he prefers the Phantom with that cartridge. That's a bit costlier though, as you have to buy a tonearm cable.Schroeder arms ar... 
Electronic stylus force gauge question
Pradeep,A scale that resolves to .1g is okay. If it displays 1.7 then you're somewhere between 1.65000 and 1.74999... That's close enough to begin tweaking by ear. My scale resolves to .01g but I rarely pay attention to the second digit. 
Electronic stylus force gauge question
Stringreen,It's evident from several recent threads that Actusreus is not yet comfortable with trusting his ears and prefers the security of measurements, even measurements that don't necessarily correlate to optimal sonics. If he believes that ev... 
Tonearm mounting differences Graham vs.Tri-Planar.
Rokokono,The same height mounting board will work for both arms. I've seen it done on more than one table.The hole drilling patterns are quite different however, as are the mounting distances from the TT spindle. My suggestion would be to have a b... 
Table/Cart Set Up - By Ear or Test Record?
Actusreus,There's no question that altering arm height on a straight vertical axis alters overhang at the stylus. This isn't a matter of opinion, it's proveable by the principles of geometry. It could only be otherwise if an arm height adjustment ...