Responses from ejlif
My First USB DAC Sounds Dull, Please Help Good idea Undertow | |
My First USB DAC Sounds Dull, Please Help I own this dac and it is not dull in the high frequencies I can guarantee that. Something else is wrong. Maybe the tube is bad? | |
Ayre K-1xe vs Audio Research Ref 3 So are you guys saying that you need to run the K1x from the balanced inputs as well to get the most out of it? I am running mine balanced to the amps (Parasound JC-1s)but my DAC and phono are both single ended. Is this such a problem that I am mi... | |
Would a Dynavector XX2 MkII be good upgrade? I've had the 10x5, 20XL, 17Dmk 2 and now the XX-2 mk 2. They are indeed better as you move up the ladder. The 17D is pretty special though, it might beat the treble, it is soooo pure and extended but it may be just a little light sounding because ... | |
Quietest 500GB Firewire drive? I just ordered a 2TB WD my book studio to replace a stack of 6 Lacie drives I am using now. I have been searching all over the net trying to decide what to get. From the data I gathered the Drobo looked very interesting, but was to noisy to consid... | |
Which way to go to built a music server?? I am only refering to the USB cord between the computer and USB dac. I have no idea if the cord to the hard drive changes things or not, never tried it. | |
How to manage a big itunes library? Yeah I'm getting the firewire version. | |
Which way to go to built a music server?? Ralf,If you read carefully most everyone who says USB cables don't have an impact on sound haven't heard one, they are just going on theory, which is really stupid. There aren't very many available yet which is why we aren't able to discuss openly... | |
How to manage a big itunes library? OK, so I am going to get the WD mybook, the one with the firewire connection. I will just keep all my Lacie drives for now as backup. I have ripped my collection and as each drive filled up have gone to the next one. I have a total of 5 250gb driv... | |
Wilson Sophia2s demand better than AYRE V5xe, so.. I'd save up a few more bucks and get the Ayre MXR monoblocks. I agree with you on the K5x, I had one and it never floated my boat. I found happiness with a set of Parasound JC-1s, maybe not the best but really good for the money. I also have the K... | |
Which way to go to built a music server?? Sounds like you want to go with #5. That is what I would choose. I use that same basic setup except with a Mac mini. I also use a laptop with Chicken of the VNC as well as an iphone for remote control. It has worked pretty much flawless for almost... | |
How to manage a big itunes library? Wow I was ready to pull the trigger on a 4TB Drobo. I only needed to find out if it was to noisy. Sounds like that idea may be out the window. Now it sounds like it isn't reliable. Damn someone needs to come out with a great big drive that is reli... | |
How to manage a big itunes library? I am looking at the Drobo too. I want a solid solution. I am guessing I will have a library of well over 3 TBs when finished so I need something big which means 6-8TBs with backup. Do you know if the Drobo is loud? It is nuts to think this stack o... | |
Most Important? My opinion is that if you skrimp on the preamp your system will suffer. I would rather have a system with 500 dollar speakers and a 5000 dollar preamp than the opposite. | |
Stewart Copeland, Incredible Worth checking out is the "supergroup" Oysterhead comprised of Trey Anastasio (of Phish) Les Claypool (of Primus) and Stewart Copeland. It's a fun album and highlights a lot of great drumming by Copeland. |