Responses from elevick
Denon 2900 w/ external dac Read the reviews of the 2200. Many people feel that the sound is superior to the 2900, especially for the money. Get a modded 2200 from underwood instead of a 2900? Save money and get better sound! | |
CD Changer? What about an external d/a converter? That can improve your sound dramatically. | |
Denon 2803 vs 3803 The 3803 has more inputs and multiroom capabilities if I'm correct? | |
Denon 2900 w/ external dac I don't know about the 2900, but my 2200 sounds much better using the internal DAC than using the digital out to my Anthem AVM-2. I think you will need an extremely expensive DAC to beat the denon quality. | |
How do I design a home audio system? I agree with S7Horton. Start with just a few rooms but set it up correctly. 1-If you want a system for just multiroom you still have to be careful with which receivers actually handle multiroom vs some that only have a line level output.2-Do you w... | |
Follow up re: suggestions for new speakers/monitor My only beef with Revels are the break in time. They sound drastically different after 200+ hours. You may be quite disappointed with a new pair for your first 6 months. | |
Enclosure volume I agree with Eldragon. You may need to look inside to see if there are any baffles. | |
Diana Krall "The Look of Love" . SACD or DVD A? I have the DVD-A and wish it were the SACD. | |
Velodyne ULD servo amp serca 1991 You need the sub connected by both the coax and the speaker cables. I don't understand this part of the servo sub but that's how mine works. Mine is the same as yours if I use a different amp? Weird but..... | |
Rookie Tube Question s First thing is to see if it is the tube that is bad or the amp. You can just switch the good one and the bad one in that channel. Be careful to watch it as it warms up. If it glows very brightly, shut the thing off fast! This would probably indica... | |
Tube Shelf Life What can go wrong with something sealed in a glass tube?The pins may corrode over enough decades but that is easy to fix.For cool tube reading, try www.sonicfrontiers.com and be ready to read loads on the history of tubes. | |
Good value phono preamp for MM cartridge How about a great value. You can pick up a sumiko or parasound for peanuts and they sound great. | |
Speaker specs: Sensitivity, & Amp match I actually thought the perceived increases were exponential, not logarithmic, but I'm far from an engineer. I just know my shorts will taste like s**t. Someone check audioasylum to bail me out please.Keep in mind that I used the word "perceived" s... | |
Tube Questions According to the substitution guide book by Middleton:12au7a, 5814, 6067, 6189, 6680, 7318, 7730, B329, E82cc, Ecc82, Ecc802, M8136 are all excellent subs for a 12au7.Good subs are: 12at7, 12ay7, 5963Middleton has never failed me yet. Don't see 73... | |
Speaker specs: Sensitivity, & Amp match I'll eat my shorts if I'm wrong! |