
Responses from elevick

Silverline Sonata III vs. Coincident Total Eclipse
A cirtain would look hideous. Invest in some nice "soft" artwork, tapestry's or similar and you will get a better look and probably better results. 
How are Soliloquy's in HT?
I simply am amazed with my sat-5's. Since their woofers are tiny, a good sub is a must. You don't need a $2k Velodyne but a $400 Hsu would do just fine.The repair was 2 damaged grilles in shipment-they were delivered factory direct. All I did was ... 
Silverline Sonata III vs. Coincident Total Eclipse
Haven't compared them but, Coincident speakers are amazingly efficient with loads of bass. They will fill that room with 3 watts!Why curtain it off? It won't help/hurt acoustics unless your curtain is about a foot thick and still, the bass will di... 
Closed box, Port-less speakers
Soliloquy Sat-5's are awesome but do need a sub. I honestly feel that with a sub, they rival the most expensive soliloquy speakers. 
Speaker specs: Sensitivity, & Amp match
90 db at 1 watt, at 1 meter from the speaker is how loud it will be. To carry that further:2 watts will equal 93db4 watts equal 96db8 watts 99db16 watts 102db32 watts 105db64 watts 108db128 watts 111db110db is THX level, 112db is ultra THXYou have... 
Preamp or Processor???
Use the pre-outs on your receiver right now to a nice tube amp. This will give you a taste of quality sound. If you really like that improvement, then go to a nicer pre/pro or a seperate stereo preamp.Keep in mind that even though many tube amps a... 
Best monitor against wall
Soliloquy Sat-5's are meant to be against a wall. Use a pair of them with a nice sub and WOW! 
Best multi-channel pre-amp for music under $1000?
I simply love my Anthem AVM-2. Definitely under $1k and awesome for stereo! 
budget remote preamp?
I use 2 different ones, both of which draw a lot of attention: Vintage marantz 2216B and Old Pilot integrated with tuner and multiplexer. Can't get much better phono section that a pair of 12ax7 tubes for gain! 
Jolida JD100A
Plain and simple, Underwood stands behind everything they sell. That should be quite important since the mods should void the manufacturer warranty. I would trust Wally any day to make things "right". Plus, Wally has good taste! 
Denon AVR 2803 vs Integra DTR 5.4 vs HK AVR 330
A lot depends on your speakers and sub. What do you have? Personally, I think the Denon sounds much better. Also, do you need multiroom? Again, the Denon is best. How many digital inputs do you need? That will make a difference.Finally, there are ... 
What's the diff. between preamps and processor?
No, you don't need a pre-amp with digital decoding if your dvd has this decoding. HOWEVER, this will only work if you have 6 channel input into your pre-amp and want to run 6 interconnects. It's a heck of a lot easier to run a single digital cable. 
Please share views on Coincident MP 300B.
Supposedly ASL makes the units for Coincident. However, I would bet that the Coincident amps come with better tubes. What about Cary amps?The total victorys are awesome. Keep in mind that they need 100+ hours to break in. 
Recommendation for marching, war classical music.
What about John Philip Sousa work? 
DAC Help
Why not a theta? I've had theta, CAL, Audio Alchemy, MF and more. The MF was wayyyyyy to dark for me. CAL & AA were both clean and open. Theta's are great, just a tad on the warm side. You can get most for less than $600