
Responses from elevick

Recommended vintage amps.
Since you like sansui: check www.post-gazette.com under the classifieds for sunday. A guy is selling a 717 system for $300, integrated, tuner and cassette. 
5Z3PAT equivalent
5Z3's are really inexpensive at www.tubesandmore.comBrand shouldn't matter much since it is a rectifier. Ask them the difference between the PAT and plain 5Z3 
Can I introduce a DAC to this??
Does it have a digital output (coax or toslink)? If so, yes you can use a DAC for much better sound. The other advantage of an external DAC is that you can play around with different ones to get the sound you like.Also, if the Pioneer breaks, whic... 
klipsch speakers,be honest
I only got rid of my cornwalls and heresys to make the wife happy. Took up way too much real estate.Honestly though, you need a seriously massive room to get good imaging out of them. 
Would an external DAC improve the sound of my SONY
Even new sonys have their own distinct sound. Personally, I think they make great transports but will only use one with an external DAC. I like warmer, less analytical sound. 
Looking for a monitor that likes walls
Soliloquy Sat-5. No port, designed to be placed on a wall or bookshelf, same tweeter as larger models, very nicely balanced woofer. You really need a nice little sub with these, but they sound great! Check out underwoodhifi for nice deals-that's w... 
Good source for 6c33c-b tubes...and good price?
www.tubesandmore.com quite inexpensive and goodwww.thetubestore.com experts and nicewww.upscaleaudio.com experts, not cheap but goodwww.tubeman.com expensive but goodwww.tubeworld.com quite pricey, nice selectionwww.jeffssoundvalues.com good, inex... 
How are Soliloquy's in HT?
Awesome. How about a sub? Don't skimp.I've been into 5.1 SACDs since going with soliloquy's.By the way, I just spoke to the soliloquy office yesterday about a repair. They are great people. 
merging stereo with ht, can anyone please help?
Don't use Y adaptors.Run the left and right pre amp outs from the newcastle to the tape in or aux in on the Grant. Try setting the Grant to 1/2 volume then experiment where the volume really should be to be balanced with the L/R and rears. You can... 
Tuner recommendations
If you like simple & easy, ignore MD. For that matter, I wouldn't spend much on a tuner unless you live near a high quality radio station that is worth the $$$ or if you live in the middle of nowhere and need a great tuner to pull in weak stat... 
Best-front ported monitor speakers?
NO PORT AT ALL! Soliloquy Sat-5. Amazingly clear and clean with a design that allows placement almost anywhere. Yes, you need a sub for real bass, but they are quite nice down to 70hz or so. 
What was your first music that you paid for?
Eric Clapton Slow Hand. The tape is worn out but I still have it for sentimental reasons. 
Good Amp/Preamp for "bright " Thiel 3.6 speakers ?
I am venturing into unfamiliar territory.
In walls can be tricky and expensive. Are you installing or your electrician at $80/hour++++++What are your walls made of?Are they insulated?Do you care if sound echoes up to the floor above?Some in walls have cabinets (snell...). Very nice but yo... 
good 5 channel amp for rears only
You really should try to match the center to the right and left. Many Classe amps are bridgeable. Get a stereo amp for the center and either bridge it or biamp. Then, pick up whatever for the rears/surrounds. You will much happier this way.