
Responses from elevick

Help and advice needed re: amp usage
I think your idea is great. Changing amps will without a doubt help. Your only consideration is do you want the center channel to have the same amp as the left and right? Do you use theater much?I would advise borrowing an amp or grabbing a demo f... 
Threshold "T" vs. "S" - whats the differences
Didn't the S stand for Statis? Also, the A series (their oldest) were pass designs. The 400A and 800A were great 
I Need Help with a Passive Sub
I think you may need help with the room acoustics. Your speakers will rival any sub made! You may want to bi-amp or bi-wire the khorns? Put different feet on them? Try a different amp on them? Remember that low bass will use the majority of your p... 
NAD T163 AV or Anthem AVM 2
The AVM-2 is simply amazing! I love mine. You won't believe the difference from your yamaha. My only other consideration was a lexicon but I wanted a nice tuner built in. Also, the remote is simple and nice. The multi room function is quite good a... 
Beginner system that can hold its own? Any Ideas?
Honestly, power isn't everything. I would much rather have my 17 watt triode amp with 94db coincident speakers than a 120 watt solid state amp with a huge pair of power hungry maggies. 1 watt on 94 db speakers = 8 watts on an 85db maggie. Therefor... 
What's Better - Denon 2900 or Sony NS999es? Why?
audioreview.com made my mind up for me. Way too many repairs on sony and pioneer. I went denon. 
Audio alchemt DDE V3.0 Need Help
1-Do you mean audio alchemy DDE 3.0?2-12 volt power is crummy and fluctuates too much. Don't blow your nice AA on a whim. 
Help on 5ch amp decision
NHT is nice but wants a lot of power. Depending on your room size, you may need a ton of power. If I were running your set-up in a 15 x 20 room, I would want 200+ watts per channel. Smaller rooms will need less. 
Do cartridges "dry" out?
You guys are awesome. Thanks. 
Poweramp for channels
In an ideal world, you would have the same power to all 5 speakers which would be identical also...... 
Stock Jolida 202A Driver tubes
I take it things sound a little thin and grainy now? If I were buying new, I would go for either svetlana or shuguang for the money. If money doesn't matter as much, you can't go wrong with Mullard or telefunkens. Email me, I have a bunch of used ... 
What is the best tube for a Conrad Johnson
Ask CJ before you bother. They are quite particular. I don't think it will be worth the money. 
What is the warmest receiver...
Homer, you don't know how right you are. I recently got a tour of WQED pittsburgh, FM 89.3. I couldn't believe it! Their reference speakers in the studio were B&W 801's , yet they were using dual sony single bit 300 disc changers for air play.... 
Best Pre/Pro for 2 channel
OK, go for an Anthem AVM-2. Under $1000 used 
Have recently purchased NHT 3.3 from an audiogoner
Yeh, your speakers are tough to drive. However, I'd take 60 watt pass labs over 300 watt adcoms any day of the week. You may not get as much volume but you will get tighter bass and clearer highs.I do not like to mix amps when bi-amping (personal ...