
Responses from erik_squires

What actually determines volume power? Is it watts?
OP: I'm saying that you'll only get 3dB louder, which is very little, by going to 200 Watts vs. 100 Watts.  If you are really constrained in your dynamic range due to power, you are going to need more than that big of a jump to get to happy.  
What actually determines volume power? Is it watts?
To double the perceived volume you need 10x the power. However, not all speakers have equal efficiencies, and you may not want it louder but you want more bass.  Depends on what exactly you want to accomplish. You may be better off looking for s... 
using V Cap Odam To Improve SQ In mid band of speaker XO
OP: DIYaudio is a great place to ask about speaker design and crossover mods. In general, the % of difference is what you want to be aware of more than absolute values. If your original cap is +- 10% vs. marked, it’s still good but the original d... 
Audiophiles and De-cluttering -- your journey toward both psychic and sonic improvement
@carlsbad2 So glad to know I could steer someone in a good direction! You are most welcome  
Question about high current amps versus "not high current amps"
Your understanding of the electrical formulas are correct.  Impedance curves are most easily obtained from Sterephile reviews, such as this one.  The top chart shows an impedance curve. This particular speaker shows a minimum impedance ~ 6 Ohms, ... 
Warm, flexible, cheap-ish cables?
Mid range Wire World is particularly warm, and if that's still not warm enough try mid to low end Monster cable which is particularly dark.  
What’s up with Roon search?
Since you are using roon, have you tried using your phone or tablet to search??  
Audiophiles and De-cluttering -- your journey toward both psychic and sonic improvement
@lalitk - The last great music and HT preamp I owned was the Theta Casanova. The older generation Anthem’s were not terrible. I _am_ going to simplify but I must choose within my budget and features. I need a long term loan of a Theta or Datasat u... 
Surge protectors--how many $ make sense?
OP: Be careful as some are marketed as "offers surge protection" which is different from having a UL or ETL certification as a surge protection device. Actual surge protectors will be certified to UL 1449.  It's the difference between throwing an... 
Pass has it's own sound and you 100% need to listen first, as some reach nirvana and others can't spend much time listening to it.   Luxman and Ayre should also be considered.  Ayre too has it's own sound and some fall in love with it.  I'm on te... 
Surge protectors--how many $ make sense?
I think I am really talking about power conditioners with surge protection. My biggest question is first and foremost whether a unit has been tested and certified as a surge protector.  Boutique audio "conditioners" rarely are.    
Surge protectors--how many $ make sense?
My SC home is 18 years old.  It doesn't require whole house surge suppression vut it was the first thing I dId.  Prior experience plus moving to a lightning prone area made this essential for me.   
Surge protectors--how many $ make sense?
I forgot to mention that on new construction and work done on existing systems, a whole house surge protector is now required as I understand it.  As of 2020 the NEC requires it, local codes will vary.  Among the things they protect is the hous... 
Surge protectors--how many $ make sense?
Sorry to hear about your loss. Living in San Francisco and Los Angeles I had to pay a lot for real power conditioning. The absolute safest, and most affordable solution is this Furman with voltage regulation, series protection, and automatic over... 
using V Cap Odam To Improve SQ In mid band of speaker XO
OP: If you mean ADDING it so the total uF = 2.7 + 3 = 5.7uF, then absolutely not. If you meant replace, then 2.7 is right on the edge of what I'd recommend trying without compensation.  I'd add a .27uF to get close to the original 3.  An easie...