Responses from erik_squires
Pass INT-25, split decision and maybe option? Listen to Luxman and Ayre | |
Power Distribution - to separate source components from amplification? Sometimes. I do recommend a dual zone approach. One zone for your purely audio devices and another for networking/streaming. The main issue is really the power supply polluting an already cleaned up AC. Ethernet/router wall warts tend to be terrib... | |
AB testing of power regenerators?? Ever do it? A dedicated line is usually substantially more voltage stable. You're not going to plug a vacuum into it because it's a dedicated line. That's the whole point. And how often do you do that while listening? :D Yes, it's more stable, that doesn... | |
AB testing of power regenerators?? Ever do it? For what it’s worth, there IS a middle ground between nothing and a power regenerator and that’s a voltage regulator. The Furman conditioners such as this one with AR offers tight voltage output with high current, and don’t generate any Class D n... | |
AB testing of power regenerators?? Ever do it? It seems I do have very dirty electricity. My first attempt to address the problem was to install the recommended dedicated line. But first we rigged up a test dedicated line. There was no reduction in noise. @echolane Yes, this exactly.... | |
Surge protectors--how many $ make sense? My 2015 house in the American Southwest has a breaker board that trips if you burp too loudly. @incorrigable That's actually not a good thing. Since you had an electrician inspect your audio system I imagine you also had the panel inspected?... | |
BS meter is pegged! -you have been able to assign apps to kernels for decades, this is not new. Do you mean pin a process to a thread/core? Yeah. That’s not how I interpret the statements, but still, I think you are making a mountain out of a mountain which was... | |
speaker upgrade fever Must stay away from bright, analytical and clinical presentation. Room size 12’x19’. Music is jazz, acoustic Americana, Chamber, symphonic etc. You want Fritz. In a lightly treated room they are pretty amazing. Also, can't imagine your tastes ... | |
Power supply for ethernet switch? Personally the fanciest I’d like to get is to use iFi power supplies with the correct V and at least the needed current. My experience is that giving the switches good clean power is less important than the noise the power adapters can generate ... | |
BS meter is pegged! I’m not about to defend Fremer or John Atkinson in general for that matter, but I don’t think this is BS so much as mostly inaccurate translation from geek to consumer. As I would translate it back to geek-speak, I’d believe (maybe inaccurately) ... | |
Confession: I only like Norah Jones because so many others told me to Hope you all don't mind, but I feel like I'd be beating up the musician if I kept this thread going so I may lurk but will try to avoid keeping it going. | |
Surge protectors--how many $ make sense? @panzrwagn I would also check out Ting - - an electrical arc fault detector. Oh, that’s pretty cool, honestly. :) The NEC has been steadily going towards more arc fault detection in the home. They went from 1 per bedroom to 1... | |
Surge protectors--how many $ make sense? @mikhailark Probably not. That's why I recommend Furman. ZeroSurge also has a big presense in the pro market. PS - Furman and Panamax are owned by the same parent company and some equivalent features are available through Panamax as well b... | |
Surge protectors--how many $ make sense? @rfagon You bring up a lot of items, and that's why I initially recommended the Furman with SMP and AVR. SMP is best in class surge protection, while AVR will ensure your amps and other gear get fed consistently better voltage than your wall out... | |
Tube Sound With Equalization? I do want to point out that Mc has a particular sound quality, it's not really about tubes. If you liked a Mc demo in the way you are describing it may be hard to find another brand which performs the same way. For instance, listen to a modern ... |