

Responses from firberger

Whats on your turntable tonight?
Sadly Nothing.I went to dinner at San Nicola in Paoli and got home to late to fire up the tubes .However it was a great meal and close friends were all the music I needed.Maybe tomorrow I will make it down to the Capitol Audiofest and meet Dan "Mo... 
Another great gone, this time its Charlie Watts
So sorry to see you leave us Charlie -RIP.  We have enjoyed your long tenure as the keeper of The Stones.Denny Laine's comments about him on his recent IG post was a brief -lovely tribute . .  
Cleaning house ~ Completely unclear on values if any
where are you located? 
Does a Tube Dac make sense?
@jjss49 once again - you nailed it  "you participate on this forum for a while, you realize there are some usernames who are here just to issue blanket dismissals... i suspect they are now pretty much deaf but can still see and can type"always th... 
Would This Amp Be Worth The Cost?
@jjss49 Happy Sunday already :) Hearing test was a success - No further reduction in hearing from 2014 test. Still a roll-off at 1500 thru 7K . Women and children are often in that range.  Bottom end-not so. Will look to add a new SUB soon :) Doc ... 
Would This Amp Be Worth The Cost?
Thank You @jjss49 . I will be giving an update tomorrow - or Thursday .Stay well :)  
Worst Concerts You Have Attended ??
Two particularly  bad shows for more for different reasons.Hall and Oates as they opened the Fillmore in Philadelphia. As they took the stage at 8 walked off the stage at 9:30 .  including  3\minutes of Daryl promoting his TV show . For the home-t... 
Would This Amp Be Worth The Cost?
somewhere in this thread "hearing" became inportant....so I made a Dr's appointment 3.10.2021 at 3PM  to check my hearing .Afraid of what I might find out .My "wife" and audio engineer/recording artist "son" both claim I have hearing issues .....S... 
If your were to assemble a vintage system ?
+1 @austinstereo "This is right in the wheelhouse of our little shop here in Austin. We restore pre 1980 amps, receivers, and turntables for clients. And in our mind, "vintage" ends around 1980. A few suggestions.First, any vintage amplifier or re... 
Suggest one obsure album we all should hear
 ( Donald Fagen- "The Nightfly." )  I can't imagine the album  was ever      " obscure"   . I recently came across  two sealed copies   MFSL  Onestep  in the bins at  The Turntable Store - Stereo, Turntable, Vinyl Records, Stereo . $500 big ones:... 
1st Album you Ever Owned?
first two albums I acquired were the Rolling Stones - Sticky Fingers and the Who's Next. probably late September of 1971.  Just cashed in on some Bar Mitzvah checks and begged one of my folks to drive me to the record store.....Led Zep ii was soon... 
Audio Lessons Learned - post your best advice for the newer members!
thank you for the overwhelming number of positive and thoughtful comments on this thread . A refreshing day to catch up on this weeks rants and raves . a few good laughs as well.@audio2design :  Ignore the advice of audiophiles who took almost 50... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Dust, no vinyl tonight sorry.  
How old are you?
Happy Birthday @dougm5740     
How old are you?
My dad always said he was 39 Plus whatever he needed to get to his actual age . Presently he is 39 plus 55 . I am 32 years behind him.he also said he was Brad Pitt several hundred thousand times to whomever he meets . His doctor calls him Brad to ...